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  • Is Scamming Allowed ?


    Kovurs Kovurs
    Hello everyone. I believe I was just almost scammed. I was almost scammed of 500k when I paid someone to upgrade me from Hardcore to Ultra. He paid me back saying he'll be back soon when I said I have screen shots. So. If he would've scammed me would that have been allowed?


    Teeeb Teeeb
    Not sure if it's different, but when I was staff here, scamming involving IRL money was not allowed. But scamming using /trade was allowed, since you are putting your stuff up at your own risk.


    New member
    One guy on the server named SeasonalEquinox scammed me out of 300k, a Motorbike, and 64 antibiotics for Hardcore rank. He logged out a minute later and I never got the rank he promised to buy for me. I've seen him a few times recently around the Berxley Safezone in TMD-3. Every time I confront him he either pretends not to know who I am (This was one day later) or say that I scammed him somehow but he never elaborates.


    LinkOFeare LinkOFeare
    One guy on the server named SeasonalEquinox scammed me out of 300k, a Motorbike, and 64 antibiotics for Hardcore rank. He logged out a minute later and I never got the rank he promised to buy for me. I've seen him a few times recently around the Berxley Safezone in TMD-3. Every time I confront him he either pretends not to know who I am (This was one day later) or say that I scammed him somehow but he never elaborates.
    File a report with proof. If you don't have chat pictures, find chat logs in your MC folder.


    Lord_Neko_ Lord_Neko_
    here's an idea, buy your own rank.
    buying/wanting rank spam in chat should deserve a mute.


    pumpkinvhye pumpkinvhye
    From what I know, If someone offers to buy you something with their IRL money and you give them something InGame for it, they cannot be "disciplined" i guess you'd say. Yes it must revolve around real money but to an extent, just because irl money was involved in the situation doesn't guarantee the player a ban, or warning. You must actually use your own money in order for something to be done about it, anything else you are technically agreeing too the trade, and if you get scammed, just learn from it. You may make a support ticket for anything you find unfair, you just must know, some offenses are not "bannable" , but staff always do their job and will try their best to explain it all to you. If you have a problem while online do /list and you can see what staff are on, that way you have help immediately and you will know whether or not to make a ticket. A ticket gets better attention then a forum post :) Hope I helped.


    ApesNotMonkeyz ApesNotMonkeyz
    I think it is so that the scam only goes 1 way, if you want for excample and upgrade and you get it and dont give the items u promised, u get banned. But if you are selling an rank upgrade and get the stuff first and dont upgrade i think it is legal. Im not 100% sure, but of what hellomanMC told me this should be true. So always give pay your in game money after you have recived the rank.


    curiousgeorge341 curiousgeorge341
    Yeah whenever I do any large trades i just take screenshots. I also tell whoever I'm trading with that I am taking screenshots. So far I haven't been scammed yet.


    PrizmBlitz PrizmBlitz
    All in all guys, scamming in general is very shady, so if the person you are trading with is suspicious, do not trade with him. If you are going to scam, do not scam with anything revolving around real money. Scamming for items in-game is allowed, but anything involving scams for crates, ranks, etc, is not allowed. I mean this in the nicest way: Use your heads, and never let your guard down. Stay safe guys, have a good one.


    New member
    Ninjakitty131 Ninjakitty131
    All in all guys, scamming in general is very shady, so if the person you are trading with is suspicious, do not trade with him. If you are going to scam, do not scam with anything revolving around real money. Scamming for items in-game is allowed, but anything involving scams for crates, ranks, etc, is not allowed. I mean this in the nicest way: Use your heads, and never let your guard down. Stay safe guys, have a good one.

    I agree with this but also wanted to add one thing. If you do decide to trade with players, instead of using /pay and them dropping the items, use /trade and make sure everything is right before diving head first into locking it in and hitting the green check mark.. That will reduce the risk of getting scammed as well.


    Filthypride_ Filthypride_
    Just as @Katitude said, scamming is not allowed revolving around real-money. But using /trade it is, It's just really not a recommendation. Very shady thing to do so. You'll have a better TMD experience not doing so.