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  • More Team Commands/Customizations?

    Which new commands do you support?

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    LinkOFeare LinkOFeare
    Here a few of my suggestions for /team commands and new ideas that could be added to help benefit the server.

    /team promote (owner) - cannot be kicked, only member available to promote to admin, promoted with consent of all the admins (ex: /team promote owner "1/3 Admins Confirmed, etc. etc.." This is especially useful because once a person becomes an admin or accidentally glitches into the team, the owner can never be kicked or removed from the team. You may argue that you should only promote trusted people, and that is true, but a person's next move is as unpredictable as you can imagine it to be.

    /team promote (trusted) - this would go hand-in-hand with the bank command explained below, would allow access to bank if permissions given by owner(s), a sign of appreciation and loyalty to the team.

    /team ban (player) - this command could be used interchangeably by both the owner(s) and admins to ban players from being invited to the team by other admins, ultimately the owner of the team would have the authority over this command, potentially add duration of ban.

    /team ally/truce/enemy (teamname) - this could be used to create ties or break ties with different teams, allying would prevent people from killing each other and could only be removed effectively after a 24-hour warning is issued to the team to notify the severance of ties, trucing would basically be the same but could last for only up to an hour, enemy-ing simply shows the relationship between two teams – these commands could be accessible to the owner(s) of teams only; enemy-ing or allying a team would only work both ways and if one team allied to a team who refused to ally, the one team would be able to be killed by their "ally" but unable to kill their "ally" in any situation (would show up on /team info either to the public or to the team only).

    /team revoke (player) - would revoke the invite if sent and regretted by an admin or owner, quicker alternative to /team kick before being invited.

    /team bank info/deposit/withdraw - would create a team funds bank where the owner(s) would have ultimate rights to determine what permissions will be allowed, the owner(s) could set it so that either (or neither) members, trusted members or admins could withdraw a certain amount from the team bank each day, deposit unlimited amounts of money. This would help team members gear during wars without having to have an admin or owner use /pay each time.

    /team tax (amount) (members/trustees/all) - for the ruthless team leaders or those who simply want the team to contribute and support by showing a sign of loyalty; would be charged each day, week, or month. Also encourages inactive players to either be more active or leave teams.

    /team create subteam (name)
    - this could be used to create different sectors or departments of the team such as the admin plus members, trial members, players who are new to the team, or players who are undergoing examination to fully join the team; the owner(s) could set /team chat permissions to either enable or disable certain sub-team chats from being able to be read by other sub-teams.

    More to come..

    (Please share any other new ideas or suggestions to the commands in the comments below. Likes are greatly appreciated).


    purrr purrr
    It's good, but if they add this and I start getting taxed I'm going to kill you link


    Well-known member
    Extrospected Extrospected
    Excellent suggestion, I would really like to see teams expanded more especially with Mine Wars out


    curiousgeorge341 curiousgeorge341
    I would like to see teams expanded... a lot of these commands are available in most faction plug-ins so the staff could always try to make that


    Zephyy Zephyy
    I would love to see the team ally's and enemies as it would make wars much easier. Being able to fire freely without having to worry about hitting truces is a game changer.


    New member
    The_HX_Gamer The_HX_Gamer
    I like this idea! You copied my thread a bit, but you added your own touch and tweaked a bit. This would be a great addition to teams :)