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  • Motivational Message No5! *Tribute to Rejante*

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    _Renesme _Renesme
    So, gaming is integral to life? And your right, it doesn't stop at closing your computer, it can stop even earlier. It can stop when you choose it to stop. Simply ignore the person, block the person, go to a different forum, game, etc.

    If the person can't handle bullying over the internet, simple, they shouldn't be on the internet. People nowadays are so weak and babied, it's disgusting. Us as a society should become aware of how stupid cyberbullying sounds. I can totally understand bullying in real life, and if I ever saw it happening I would most definitely intervene, however, I take cyberbullying as the opposite. It's as easy as ignoring, it's as easy as leaving, and it's as easy and turning off the computer.

    We need to stop compensating and feeling bad for the "victims" so they can become independent enough and rely on themselves instead of mommy to baby them. Stop *****ing about cyberbullying when you can simply stop it yourself. I'm not saying it's your fault that is occurred, but I'm saying that it's your fault if you keep letting it happen.

    Okay, this is the last post I'm going to be making on this thread because quite frankly this is an extremely touchy subject for me. When you made any of these posts did you for any second think about the impact of your argument. No, you didn't because if you did then your not exactly a nice person. So as I'm ever the optimist I'm going to say you didn't think. I took this personally, the subject hits really close to home, and whilst I didn't know Rejante as well as others, I know he was a good player and someone who was easy to get along with. Bullying is wrong, whether its online or offline.
    Your maturity levels are obviously very low to not be able to understand this. This is not a debate like Conservatives or Labour // Trump or Clinton this isn't some political view, it's a fact. Cyberbullying Exists, and quite frankly the fact that you perceive it to be a joke is offensive and selfish. Everybody has different opinions, I get that, you might like horror, I'll stick to my romantic comedies thanks. You might like J.R.R.Tolkien I'll stay with my John Green books thanks. Besides this isn't the point and emphasis on the "might's" that I made I didn't make presumptions I made examples. So I don't actually know what you like nor do I want you to lecture me in the responses with I don't like that or I prefer this. That's not the point. The point was people, in general, have different opinions its what makes us unique.
    Cyberbullying Statistics for you:
    • Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber-bullying.
    • More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online.
    • Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet.
    • Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyberbullying occurs.
    • Cyber bullying affects all races
    • Other Statistics:
    • 20% of children and young people indicate fear of cyber bullies made them reluctant to go to school
    • 5% reported self-harm
    • 3% reported an attempt of suicide as a direct result of cyberbullying
    • Young people are found to be twice as likely to be bullied on FB as any other social networking site.
    • 28% of young people have reported incidents of cyberbullying on Twitter.
    • 26% of young people have reported incidents of cyberbullying on Ask.fm
    So how exactly can you say it is a joke I do not know. Watch the movie Cyberbullying. Or the latest hit TV Show "13 Reasons Why" they both broach the topic in a unique way.

    A really close friend of mines brother was cyberbullied for the majority of High School (UK). It was taken to far, and we found Dale in a pool of his own blood from where he'd committed self-harm, he'd attempted to overdose on paracetamol. 999 was called and my friend's brother, fortunately, made a full recovery. Now you understand why I find this so offensive that you have the audacity to say that cyber bullying is a joke, that someone can just turn the computer off. If you're going to tell me that Dale molly coddled then I am going to be so frustrated. Dale and Lily were thrown around foster care home after foster care home. Dales father was killed in a car crash and his mother killed herself because she couldn't deal with the loss of her husband.

    So Dale was not mollycoddled and if you've ever been in the care system for any length of time, you'll know how hard that is, and how fast you grow up. In case anyone was wondering, Dales bully continued his actions to the stage of threatening to kill him and Lily. Michael (the bully) was arrested for threatening to kill and received four years imprisonment.

    So I will go back to the original point on how you have the audacity to claim that Cyberbullying is a joke when it is clearly anything but. Your inability to understand what cyberbullying is, either makes it clear you have no emotions, no understanding, no compassion or you're just like the bully, or have been in the past and are simply defending the actions of bullies across the web.

    I'm done with this discussion because its stemmed from something nice to something that we're all just going to argue about. We all (most of us) will miss Rejante an active player who was well known throughout the community. I do hope that he comes back in the future, and I do hope that he serves as a good as a good example as well as the true story that I told that Cyberbullying is an occurrence and can result in terrifying outcomes.

    Thank you,



    Florian_MUFC Florian_MUFC
    So how is that going to be used against you? I honestly don't understand. How is a picture of your face going to hurt you?

    To answer your question, the picture in itself won't hurt you, other people will.
    If you still don't understand and want an example, go on r/RoastMe , take any post, look at the comments. Now imagine that someone posts a picture of them on Facebook/Twitter/Anything and gets similar comments. This is how a picture can be used to hurt you.


    New member
    To answer your question, the picture in itself won't hurt you, other people will.
    If you still don't understand and want an example, go on r/RoastMe , take any post, look at the comments. Now imagine that someone posts a picture of them on Facebook/Twitter/Anything and gets similar comments. This is how a picture can be used to hurt you.
    People post on RoastMe to be roasted specifically, that's their own fault. Cyber bullying is a joke that can be stopped with a few clicks, period.


    Florian_MUFC Florian_MUFC
    People post on RoastMe to be roasted specifically, that's their own fault. Cyber bullying is a joke that can be stopped with a few clicks, period.

    That's exactly why I said "imagine if someone posts a photo of themselves on twitter/facebook and get the same comments". I know people on RoastMe want to be roasted. But people on Twitter/Facebook don't want to be roasted for posting a photo of themselves.
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    Celmaibunpilot Celmaibunpilot
    That's exactly why I said "imagine if someone posts a photo of themselves on twitter/facebook and get the same comments". I know people on RoastMe want to be roasted. But people on Twitter/Facebook don't want to be roasted for posting a photo of themselves. Just like Rejante didn't want to be bullied on Minecraft.
    He's got the complete point of what I was trying to say. They could easily make fun of you with any picture even if it isn't bad.


    Cactiee Cactiee
    Pfff got cyberbullied is nothing... I got bullied in real life and in internet ima make a post about my life and Rejante is a nice dude but hes too weak to handle the life my life is worse than him trust me i have no father my mom has no job no house only a small rent apartment


    Nekophysix Nekophysix
    As someone that has witnessed and have had close friends experience this i have 1 something very simple to say cyber bullying should only be considered a problem when the person bullying has personal information on you e.g a neighbor,classmate stalker etc and by doing this degrades your standard of living. However if this person has so association to you and only calls you stupid online or says you look ugly on a picture this is not something that should be considered cyber bullying.

    If it falls under the latter category simply turn off your screen ,ignore or block the person or even disable comments on the post/picture on most social platforms.etc.The Internet is not your safe space exclusively and it is fair for people that want to criticise and mock you all you need to do is ignore and move on.

    So basically, If you cant handle hurtful words over the internet that does not impact your life at all, maybe you should not be on the internet.
    saintsebastian saintsebastian
    after reading gucci's replies, i kinda want to shoot him for his ignorance. bullying, and cyber bullying is a thing. go back to your little uneducated hole of which you came from.


    New member
    after reading gucci's replies, i kinda want to shoot him for his ignorance. bullying, and cyber bullying is a thing. go back to your little uneducated hole of which you came from.
    I never said it wasn't a thing. I said it's a joke and so easily avoidable that it's funny. If you can't handle the internet and it's hostilities, get the **** off of it. Stop being a little *****.


    xHobbes xHobbes
    People post on RoastMe to be roasted specifically, that's their own fault. Cyber bullying is a joke that can be stopped with a few clicks, period.
    I never said it wasn't a thing. I said it's a joke and so easily avoidable that it's funny. If you can't handle the internet and it's hostilities, get the **** off of it. Stop being a little *****.
    I'm surprised you're not forum banned already. A friend of mine recently committed suicide because of cyberbullying. The fact you find it funny is ****ed up. Since you've come onto the forums you haven't done many good things. All you've made that's good are a few posts that you make good points in. Other then that, all you've done is call the staff ****, complain about getting banned, and now saying cyberbullying is a goddam joke. It isn't. Saying cyberbullying is a joke is the same thing as supporting it.
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