
(Read this while listening to the music provided!)
"You may be a voice in my headset or a few words on my screen. But you're a person. Whether you're on the other side of the world, or on the other side of town, you're a person, and a person like you can change lives. So, change them."
No matter how far away you are, you may always be one of the many who can make a difference. Only yesterday I have seen someone fall off their bike, and just before I was to reach them, three more people came to help out. Remember, not even of your race, gender, or anything can effect you from being tomorrow's hero, even if you are unknown. So be prepared, because you might be world known in only a few seconds...
"You may be a voice in my headset or a few words on my screen. But you're a person. Whether you're on the other side of the world, or on the other side of town, you're a person, and a person like you can change lives. So, change them."
No matter how far away you are, you may always be one of the many who can make a difference. Only yesterday I have seen someone fall off their bike, and just before I was to reach them, three more people came to help out. Remember, not even of your race, gender, or anything can effect you from being tomorrow's hero, even if you are unknown. So be prepared, because you might be world known in only a few seconds...