New member
tbh, i usually liked this server and played for hours, only to realise my money and all that stuff i worked for are gone after that damn updates reset. id understand why havoc have to reset all people money and stuff they,ve been gathering and buy. Like that one ripper that you guys sell and 2 months later... it gone! what a total waste, when the christmas update launches,i just gathered 550k total and it just gone after another reset and i as a player, tired of gathering even more and also some people are really toxic to noobs, i ever do that once, but i decide to help them understanding the game and give them stuff.i suggest the staff to not reset the money too and the stuff, try to look at an example, hive,hypixel, and lunar network, they don't reset everyone's hard work when there,s another game update. so i hope that staff can understand my issue. Thanks for reading this