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  • Name Visibility

    Should visible nametags be removed?

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    FoxQuest FoxQuest
    Hey Everyone, For a while now visible name tags (The name that hovers over players) has been hindering the whole TMD and even HN. Seeing through walls is against the rules in TMD and name tags pretty much let everyone do exactly that, they should be taken out and the name should be only visible when you are close to them, I figure about 6 blocks, and they definitely should not be visible through solid blocks. Seeing that this server aims to be realistic, name visibility should be taken out and will add a better feel to the experience. 2016-07-26_15.59.48.png See that!?! I'm at berx at the moment and names can be seen through walls


    UterZorker UterZorker
    yes e doodle-e but mabye an item to that would allow visibility like wat arron and spencer use to find ricks crew in the comics like u could here them or somthing


    New member
    PolarDynasty PolarDynasty
    Well it would be nice if the name tags weren't visible. But that makes cheating and not getting caught, mutch easier. As long as we have unfair players and cheaters, we are not able to make them invisible.