Thanks Peach, but that's exactly what I did. I want to support this endeavour they have created here. I don't know if they have seen my messages and just didn't think they were of importance, but if this is the case I'd like them to reconsider replying to me. I don't want to say too much about it here as it's private for now.
Funny though. A lot of the times I will msg a player if they will sell a jug helmet or pants to me. They say, "it's not for sale." Ironically, 5 seconds later it is for sale because I offered them 100k just for the helmet alone. They immediately drop what they're doing, leaving their team in the middle of a horde of zombies in order to take a tpa to berx to meet me and offer me anything else they can think of. I figure, they just aren't used to receiving offers or deals like that all the time so they have a pre-recorded-like answer. Why would I pay 100k for a jug helmet when that usually buys a full suit? Probably because I really need a spare or I lost the only one I had when I died and I need the armor. Protection isn't something you compromise or take lightly. I can personally vouch for that. And I will not stay stranded in a sz waiting for someone to offer a helmet if no one has offered one in the past 30 mins or so.
I wish people would be more optimistic. It never hurts to ask what someone will do or pay for something. Usually it's not enough, but sometimes it might be an opportunity to strike gold. It also never hurts to throw a number out there when someone asks you how much you'll take or give. Sometimes it's a lot less and you make off saving money. Or sometimes you get more money then something is worth. I'm not saying to go around scamming people because I hate scammers, but if someone offers me 12k for a motorcycle, and they didn't do their homework, I'll accept the offer and make off with 2k or so extra.