
Hello everyone - welcome to this month’s blogpost!
Network Updates
This past month has been quite busy! The halloween updates for all gamemodes have finally been released - we hope you enjoy them. You can read more about this down below.
We’ve also added server-wide in-game emojis! There are 58 emojis as of now- some are unlocked by default, some are bound to ranks and some can be purchased on our store page. Speaking of the store, we’ve also enabled a 25% sale on all items. Furthermore, we fixed some bugs, like being able to purchase single-buy items in the coin store again after a server has restarted, and added a new /lagreport command.
We’ve also made some adjustments to our rules: Permanent mutes and bans have been removed except for extreme cases, a rule regarding farming with alts has been added, and most punishments have been dialed down.
If you are banned, you can make an appeal here:
Read the full rule list here:
Gamemode Updates
The Mining Dead
Halloween has reached TMD! A new currency, the spooky coin, has been added. You can use it to purchase items from the halloween npc shop. They can be looted from the newly added halloween mobs, like the Skeleton and the Spider.
Next, were finally able to bring back a beloved feature: The auction house has finally made it’s way back to TMD - have fun trading!
Bases have also undergone a few changes: It is no longer possible to shoot inside of a base, and players who are not member of a base can no longer enter it.
Last month, started out slow, but with the release of the october crate, and new custom enchantments ingame that were released, more and more is to be expected soon! The release of a special set is on its way! For Halloween, big thanks to the Towny Build and Event team (and a select staff member) for the event that was released. Be sure to continue with the minigame and keep going! Remember, at the end of the year, everyone has every token from each event will receive a special reward! So be sure to collect the candies for that set as soon as possible and make a ticket! A special edition will be releasing soon thanks for Raf3z in the BM, so keep an eye out for that! We have ideas in mind for a few events, but if there is something you'd like to see come to Towny, be sure to let us know! Feel free to use the Towny-Suggestions channel! Regarding the Upgradeable Armor Sets, be ready for the release for the next set in November. It will not be cheap!
Craft Theft Auto
Similar to the other modes, CTA has also been given a spooky overhaul: The map is now halloween themed, exclusive halloween items have been added to the coin shop, the halloween crate & supplydrop is back, a new halloween side quest and many new halloween cosmetics have been added.
However, some other changes have been made as well:
Both originally disabled due to bugs. the PvE server and /bounty command have both been brought back! Some textures have been overhauled, vaults have been removed from all locations but banks, more jobs have been added, and a few other minor adjustments have been made as well.
Despide all of these changes, most of our time has been spent on the upcoming updates. You’ll hear more about that in december - for now, have fun and enjoy the halloween update!
This month we have hosted a Halloween 1v1 Tournament. All participants received an orange paper crown and the winner earned exclusive halloween heads:
#1 - EzPzDropped
#2 - Hexdeam
#3 - Crittts
Thank you all for participating, we hope you enjoy these prizes! If you didn’t get to participate, don’t worry- we’ll be hosting more events like this in the future. Keep an eye out!
Top Voters
We thank you all for voting - as always, the top voters will receive a reward.
The top voters this month are:
1st Place - BloodedAssassin
2nd Place - DrDiamondSlayer
3rd Place - MzOreo
4th Place - nfmskhn
5th Place - tamara_xo
6th Place - Ispanico06
7th Place - Notis_YT
8th Place - Jack_a_tron
9th Place - reinbaby
10th Place - Naotino
You can claim your reward by sending a DM to Gemma#0224 on Discord.
Staff Applications
Do you want to get involved in the creation of our gamemodes? Then you should think about joining our wonderful staff team. The following positions are currently open:
Build Team -
Moderation Team -
That’s it for this post - see you next month!