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  • Oh boy the vehicles

    Which suggestion is the best?

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    New member
    Now that I'm back, let's crack down to business again. In the short, but very meaningful time I was on, I noticed quite a few things.

    1. Hackusations for /near were starting once again

    2. Vehicle PvP is at its worst state yet

    Though I really don't mind Issue #1, #2 is something that needs to be addressed. Not only does vehicle pvp not penalize the vehicle user enough, it puts the combatants at a pretty major disadvantage. I probably fought against 4 vehicle pvpers in total yesterday with a squad of 4-6 people. Even with a huge numbers advantage, it still took a long time to hit them.

    The main issues I see with vehicle pvp are:

    1. Vehicle pvp is lowkey speed pvping

    2. Hitboxes are wonkey

    3. Vehicle users aren't penalized enough

    4. No fall damage

    Though the staff I've mentioned this to have all said vehicle pvp is legal now, I have some suggestions that would fix (or at least attempt to fix) this situation.


    1. Revert back to the old days! No vehicle PvP allowed! (of course, the most extreme solution. I personally wouldn't recommend this, since vehicles are technically a mechanic of the game)

    2. Revert back to first patch of vehicle PvP! Vehicle users have no armor stats! (again, slightly extreme. I remember way too many times where i got one shot. Not fun. It's unfair and unhealthy)

    3. My Solution:
    -Remove the "No fall damage" aspect of vehicles (vehicles blow up and users die if the vehicle takes a certain amount of fall damage)
    -Users can only shoot in the direction they're driving.
    -Users take 5-10% extra damage from all weapons when driving + in combat (so if they aren't in combat, zombies won't do extra damage, etc)
    -Vehicles have less health and movement speed

    Give me your opinions on this guys!


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    Car pvp isnt that bad, when you go to shoot you end up n seat menu, but bike pvp is definitely a problem (when rider is like full jugg with spas) They should make it where vehicles take damage (unless its bike, then player can just take damage when shot) and once vehicle loses all health it explodes or something (car item still enters inventory, assuming you survived explosion) only problem would be people on non pvp servers setting your ride on fire to blow you up...


    Boscafano Boscafano
    1. Revert back to the old days! No vehicle PvP allowed! (of course, the most extreme solution. I personally wouldn't recommend this, since vehicles are technically a mechanic of the game)


    No but seriously, when there was no vehicle pvp, it made the game at the very least equal in the sense that you did not have to worry about spotting someone from 50+ blocks away and having them in your face in less than 3 seconds. I believe that when there were the old minecart cars, the rule was simply that you were not allowed to pvp while you were in a car. This apparently worked well because I never seemed to notice full juggs murdering me while riding a minecart and then bragging about how much skill it took to do so.

    To clarify however, I do not want to see vehicles removed from the game. I think that they are a very well designed feature by them devs and they don't deserve to have their hard work and time wasted. I DO want to see a staff member comment on the vehicle pvp situation however, just to get an answer on whether or not they will ever consider changing the rules back to how it was or altering the mechanics of the vehicles.

    Either way, something needs to be done about this as it devalues pvp from situations where it is very possible to beat someone (usually wearing full jugg) to a mad dash not to be spas'd to death in seconds by someone circling you on a bike.