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  • Parachute


    mindblaster007 mindblaster007
    This would be an item that you have to click when falling and you won't take damage. I've seen this on some other servers and it is a rare item to get. Therefore, it will also be very rare to get on this server if implemented.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    This would be an item that you have to click when falling and you won't take damage. I've seen this on some other servers and it is a rare item to get. Therefore, it will also be very rare to get on this server if implemented.
    Do you happen to play on Brawl? I know they've got a parachute. This would be a neato idea! Havoc already has the parachute texture, all we'd need to do it make it work like an actual parachute. :)