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  • Please be considerate


    New member
    Recently I was playing with my bandit team after school like usual. My team took down a couple teams in prison and everything was going well, we were bragging for fun like every team does. Then a player named or OreoCakey (who is one of the players we killed ad prison) Started mocking my recently deceased dad who died of a heart attack. He called him "ugly" and said he hoped he went to hell. I responded with this by saying if you mock my dad I'll kill you. At first I thought this was no big deal I mean hey I tell people I'm going to gut their team all the time, it's just how I talk as a bandit. But then I find out that VelocitiesAF screenshotted what I said and is going to try to convince staff that I meant the death threat for real life and not as a role playing scenario in game. I responded by telling him that I have friends that are staff members and I can have them help me get out of these false accusations, not because they will abuse but because if I didn't do anything against the /rules then staff should be able to help me out when under false accusations. He/she then turns this around and says that I meant they were going to abuse to get me out of a death threat, which yes I understand is a serious subject. I just wanted to ask those two players to be considerate and please don't try to falsely get players banned. I do have a screenshot of VelocitiesAF saying he knew it was In-game but I'll only provide that to staff, seeing as I can't find out how to upload it to this thread.


    Katitude Katitude
    Recently I was playing with my bandit team after school like usual. My team took down a couple teams in prison and everything was going well, we were bragging for fun like every team does. Then a player named or OreoCakey (who is one of the players we killed ad prison) Started mocking my recently deceased dad who died of a heart attack. He called him "ugly" and said he hoped he went to hell. I responded with this by saying if you mock my dad I'll kill you. At first I thought this was no big deal I mean hey I tell people I'm going to gut their team all the time, it's just how I talk as a bandit. But then I find out that VelocitiesAF screenshotted what I said and is going to try to convince staff that I meant the death threat for real life and not as a role playing scenario in game. I responded by telling him that I have friends that are staff members and I can have them help me get out of these false accusations, not because they will abuse but because if I didn't do anything against the /rules then staff should be able to help me out when under false accusations. He/she then turns this around and says that I meant they were going to abuse to get me out of a death threat, which yes I understand is a serious subject. I just wanted to ask those two players to be considerate and please don't try to falsely get players banned. I do have a screenshot of VelocitiesAF saying he knew it was In-game but I'll only provide that to staff, seeing as I can't find out how to upload it to this thread.
    If you meant in game, I guess that's fine. I am empathetic to you there and I also become deeply upset when people speak of my deceased father, so please be careful and screenshot/report them instead of inflicting words on them that can be misconceived and seen as extreme verbal abuse. Always be nice to others, even if they aren't giving you the proper treatment; in the end, karma bites them in the back and you become a stronger person for being able to act respectful in the situation and reporting them. Ask them to stop politely and if they continue, then you would take screenshots. If this becomes constant, then it would be harassment and please note I'm always here if you need anything. <3


    Sleep__Away Sleep__Away
    Thanks for the support guys!
    No problem, as for how to upload the file. You can either click on the "Upload a File" and browse for that item in your device (PC or Mac) or just start a conversation with staff and include a Gyazo or other websites that allow you to share pictures.