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  • Positive Thread On Update


    JSolo JSolo
    Overall the update is amazing, although with ups and downs everything balances out. From the old buildings back in Atlanta to the nostalgic memories, I really do appreciate and respect everyone who has helped during the making of this update. Yes it was a long wait but it's finally here. I want to thank each and everyone of the builders for making this map (especially bringing back old buildings) and every staff member that have been dealing with the unsatisfied players through out the entire wait. I want to thank Jacob Nick and Igniting really good work on the pvp and gun mechanisms and ect, the builds are fascinating and the overall look is really good. In the near future lets hope for more updates and more wars!



    Al_Cool Al_Cool
    Nice I'l be the first to reply! ;) I want to say thank having took time to find, modify, or create so many characters skin for the game's lobby! I've used to search a few skin to leave at least one picture per pages on wikia, so I know. A) Its not easy to find. B) There is not necessary many skin for every characters!

    And thk for that positive thread ^^