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  • Problems Considering Guns (particularly Spaz)


    Captain_Furno Captain_Furno
    I think I can already hear the developers and moderators going,

    "Ugh, not this again... 'Buff it! Nerf it!' I feel like I'm being treated as an obedient servant with an owner of 100+ people."
    And I have to be honest, it kind of seems that way... in my opinion... but we need to learn our mistakes. We all are human after all... so why am I here?

    Since the beginning of time (in this server), there have always been bugs, glitches. Some were fixed.. some were... in progress, but rest assured, things were solved in the end... painkillers though....

    But.. one thing stood out. One detail that people have been annoyed of and you've probably seen this already on the forums and the heading of this post.

    Buffing and Nerfing...

    There seems to be this problem where the owners have a horrible time finding out the balanced damage of a gun. That was a problem, particularly with the Spaz (and other guns too, like the Golden Barrett).

    A particular player, @CrizonX , has stated that
    The spas is the best gun on the server so why did you guys nerf the damage of it so much that it only does 3 hearts to full juggs from 1 block away and can't even kill nakeds on first shot?! You need to balance the spas, when you guys buffed it, it could 1 shot full, now it is completely useless. The spas does not need to be buffed or nerf so badly to even out full jugg and damage because combos are still a thing.

    He even stated a suggestion on what to do with the damage.

    Just make the spas do 5 and a half hearts up close and 3 hearts from 6 or more blocks away and make the bullets more compact.

    Link to what he posted: https://havocmc.net/threads/gun-cha...-as-possible-staff-read-this.4926/#post-38377

    And yet... he we are again with @Nydusworm posting something relevant to what I am saying now, and this is why I did this.
    We all wanted to see some minor buffs on the spas 12.
    Today I got on and realized the damage has been increased to 18.5.
    That 1 shots a full riot 2 shots a half jugg and 2-3 shots a full jugg; and that is spas 12 alone.

    Link to what he posted: https://havocmc.net/threads/spas-12-a-bit-too-buffed-the-ting-go-skrrra-pap-pap-ka-ka-ka.4988/ (some probably already some this).

    Now to the staff, I have more affection and love for you guys than I have emotions and hate over hackers, but we need to draw a line and come to a conclusion on the best balanced nerf/buff on the Spaz (or any other gun) that we can possibly have. We need to take the problems, and find the resolution. Find and test the reasonable nerf to the Spaz (and any other gun) so that we can all play the way it once was.

    It would be great if we could get suggestions on the amount of damage the Spaz should do, whether it be close range or from a farther distance. Suggestions on other guns would be great as well to help the server.
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    Kendrq Kendrq
    The team has been working on finding an ideal damage for the Spas as of recently. We have a general idea on what the next damage rate will be, but if any players have suggestions as to what they feel is a proper amount of damage for the gun then I'd suggest stating it here. The staff team's goal is trying to make the server enjoyable for the generalized population of the player base, but we can't do that without proper suggestions ^^