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  • PVP tips, tricks & general info for new players


    New member
    Hi, im not new to pvp in general, but to havoc's/ MC's pvp specifically, i have done some searching and haven't found any posts on tips/tricks for pvp ( no bugs/glitches/ or hax, just good clean pro tips & tricks ). I have spent a few minutes every day for the last 2 days asking for help with the basics with pretty much no luck besides the occasional 'google pvp videos'..which honestly are very cool to watch..and if u want to just copy what someone does and get kills fed into your elo grinder this may work for you, but i like to know the How of things, and the pvp videos i have seen just aren't very instructional or based towards teaching the how and why of pvp'ing. This is why i made this thread...Hopefully people will find it and start contributing to what i hope will be a huge pool of info some day that will help people like myself that like to have a good knowledge base before jumping right into it. this is an attempt to make pvp more fun for anyone & everyone as i personally play games for fun, and currently pve is more fun than just getting wrek'd a lot each day while trying to learn something from each painful death. So weather you're a pvp pro or a super noob, feel free to add info/tips/tricks if you KNOW it's 100% accurate, Thanks for any info contributed!


    Beetley Beetley
    My tips.
    1. Get a gun.
    2. Get a clip.
    3. Shoot people.
    4. Get more stuff.
    5. Die.
    6. Restart.

    If you see Jahango or xDeclanLee online, switch servers. If you don't you will die. These two players are gods.
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    New member
    /facepalms whilst Smh* but i did need a laugh....also im too pro...^ i have been trying this a few times...but i sense a better way! xD


    somkin somkin
    This isn't really a tip, but my way of killing normally is sitting on top of a roof or tower and sniping anyone that comes near.


    Use Hunter Kit if ranked for sniping practice, otherwise if below/unranked practice sniping, or you'll never get gud in combat...

    Eli is still broken btw ;-;


    New member
    so just from 2 posts im getting the feeling ery' 1 just hides and snipes....that ....just sounds like so much less fun ( and tbh Booooring AF ) than trying to be sneaky while u gather/ hunt and just trying to kill ppl when u see them...Not from the top of a 46 floor tall building with a sniper...where they won't ever even See you as they wonder around, let alone have a chance to have a firefight.....i hope im wrong about this assumption...b/c other wise my way of pvp'ing is going to be painful and no fun if im the only player un afraid enough to roam the open world & try to kill ppl Not hiding...that just seems like a big, 'im afraid of death in a virtual world' but hey i guess sitting on butt pressing shoot button with no chance of dying in return still sounds fun to some people! Lmao can you imagine *takes one step looks around for 4 minutes for hiders, takes another step & repeat..then dies anyway on 3rd step out*.....just L.M.F.A.O. hope to find ppl who know what old school pvp is not turn the server into 'Sniper warfare'

    ~Take care guys, I'll be out there pvp'ing occasionally ...slowly but surely!


    Shallowing Shallowing
    my tip if you're new to pvp i recommend starting sneaky.. don't just go head first (especially if you like to pvp alone like me ;) ). For example; lets say you want to go to prison but.. your team of 3-4 can't beat a team of 6-7. So if you think about it, most likely the opposite team is going to be at the front because that's where players seem to come first. So out wit them and go through the back way and take them by surprise. Gives you a higher advantage if you shoot first. (This strategy may backfire considering most wars have players with /near so you have to be quick about it). Also, what i've noticed is some players that are still learning pvp stand still when sniping or shooting in general (To be honest i have a habit of doing the same but not as much now x3) Don't Do It!! If you're shooting a player scope shoot then unscope and maybe move side to side if they see you.
    Ok, some players that love snipers know the struggle when a player is running and you're sniping but.. you don't ever hit them. It may not be a struggle now but i know it was a struggle at the beginning :) However, i feel that it's all about timing and it really is lol. If you time it right then you'll hit the player everytime.

    Anyway, I hope that was at least a little helpful lol. I'm pretty good at sniping i think (still learning though :p) so that's really all i could help with. Close combat isn't my thing. Just use strategy's that out smart others, and use timing lol but be quick about it.

    Have a Nice Day :p


    Azxvl Azxvl
    I don't consider myself a good pvp player (I really suck) but I'll provide some (helpful?) information.
    I usually use the Hunter kit and spawn randomly. Try to snipe people as that's what I do. Grab their loot and try to survive.

    Or you can be fully prepared(full set of riot/jugg, weapons, pains, etc) and try to eliminate players.
    Good Luck~
    - Unami


    New member
    Hey so far i have learned: get a gun and go hide like a boss, pewpew ppl till they die or ragequit, take their stuff, laugh, repeat? I feel the knowledge flowing in .......... xD