I think silencers are a brilliant idea! but like KingSparklez said! even in real life silencers muffle the sound not eliminate it! they are designed to reduce the sound just enough so they don't cause a commotion! even if silencers were added, they would not improve a guns performance, except making it harder to hear by a player. However, knowing Havoc MC, they will just make a noise for silencers, and if your smart/clever enough, you would just turn up your volume all the way until you cans hear it [ Remember the Gun noises option in the sound settings? ]. In Addition to this, if you were to say shoot me with a silenced sniper, it would give me recoil, [knockback] and it would damage me. and I am the type of person who identifies a weapon based in its Rate of fire. So if I am getting hit every other second, that implies someone, somewhere is sniping, so my immediate reaction would be to duck into the nearest building and wait the sniper out! But others don't have the same mental mindset as me, but this is what I would do!