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  • The Polish

    How many people must starve by Polish hands before we find a cure?

    • Its spelled P-O-T-A-T-O you idiot

      Votes: 3 42.9%
    • I'd say at least over 50,000

      Votes: 1 14.3%
    • 125,000

      Votes: 3 42.9%

    • Total voters


    SSSoupy SSSoupy
    My goodness I hate them so much. They're all so mushy, with they're lovey dovey eyes and stupid little spuds they call children. Then they get wrinkly brown skin and go bad together. Seriously, every time I go to the farmers market and see one of them I get sick to my stomach. I can't even fathom how some people claim to love them. DISGUSTING I tell you, they nearly brought doom to one of my favorite groups of people. This is, of course, the Irish. "When did this happen?" you ask, obviously having never watched the history channel after 2 am. I'll tell you you idiot, it all happened in the year of 1840, a long time ago I know. The Polish blight, had spread around the smol island of Ireland, desecrating the very thing the Irish held sacred. The goddam potatos. I know what you're thinking, "ISN'T THIS IN VIOLATION OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION??" And while it is, I must remind you that the Geneva Convention didn't come about until after God said "bippity boppity boop" and created Sudan. I'm getting sidetracked, back to the main story. Ahh yes, the Polish blight was spreading chaos all through ireland, crushing their food supply and causing many into poverty and starvation. Surely the English helped them, you cry out in desperation. But sadly... they did nothing, nothing at all. The Irish were kept under an oppressive rule by the Polish until the year of... hmm I'm not actually sure. *Checks notes* Oh my... I am terribly sorry. It seems I must have been mistaken, this article isn't about the Polish at all, its about the Irish Potato Blight. In conclusion, I love the polish, but I hate the Irish Potato Blight of 1840-48.