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  • This Is A Problem That Has Been Going On For Years Now.

    Should we bring back tmd to how it used to be normally?

    • Work together as a community to make things normal

      Votes: 14 82.4%
    • No

      Votes: 3 17.6%

    • Total voters


    Doioi Doioi
    I have noticed an increase of people in chat arguing and fighting and its nothing like the old old very very old tmd days. I hadn't been around on tmd in these old days but I do watch videos of it and I see a difference in the community and it is quite shocking. I was watching a video from 2013 one of the first tmd videos and chat was so peaceful it was interesting, I haven't seen tmd that peaceful ever in my time being on tmd and I have been around since November last year, and every day is the same in chat. Everyone is either angry or has nothing else to do so they start fights in chat and its annoying because people sometimes miss important things in chat, if you want to argue you should keep it in message. I remember when I first joined tmd seeing staff say things like "if you are going to argue keep it in message please" but it seems that everyone is so salty nowadays that you guys pushed staff to the limit and they gave up on telling u guys otherwise. And yes, sometimes people get muted for saying things derogatory but, there used to be a time where you would be muted or told to keep it in message when you would argue in the global chat. In the old days players were respectful and used to say gg after war and get over it. Now, now its taken so seriously everyone goes nuts after war. Everyone gets salty in chat and fights it out for minutes sometimes hours on end and its sickening because its wrong. Why is it wrong? Some people don't like chat getting flooded and spammed with unnecessary things. Second of all players who scum. Everyone is guilty for this now and it doesn't matter who started it its who thinks that it should stay and keeps fighting the the system when its something that shouldn't be happening. Teams now take the advantage age if they see it to scum because they are thirsty to be ontop and rub it in everyones face. I think most of us have forgotten that its just a game and we shouldn't be making people angry and sad or what ever they feel over it. We need to step back and see why the community has changed so briskly and change it back so we can all have a good time on the server. Because most people can agree that the community is being divergent nowadays. And to be honest its not even the people who start the fights its also the people who continue to fuel the flame in the arugment, we could just ignore them. And yes of course it could be worse but it can always be better, keep that in mind. Regards-Harrison
    Last edited:


    HooverVC HooverVC
    I just decided to quit because of this. TMD used to be at least decent and the community used to be fine. Now the community is complete hell. There's so much fighting and harassment going on its kind of ridiculous. It's all unnecessary and over a block game. When a war is won, people have the need to say "ez" "so trash" and just start raging in the chat if they lose. Just say what you have to say and get over it. Stop dragging it on just for the sake of starting an argument. I've seen this happen very often, especially with players from TMD-O. I think this is because TMD-O is a lot more... competitive than TMD-1.

    Another issue is dragging things that happened in the past, off of the server, or even with other players up just for the sake of ticking the player off even more and starting an argument. For example, I'm short and I have a voice of a 5 year old boy. People seem to bring that up during wars and just randomly in chat just to tick me off though I haven't said a word to them. I've also seen a builder, while ignored, say "Say (insert rude comment here) in Shout to (insert name here) for 1k." because they were ignored by that player and wanted to provoke an argument. I don't believe this is okay, since you're practically bribing players to bypass your ignore. Harassment, even.

    The server has become a complete mess recently, though you can argue that every server is. I left to join a Pixelmon server and honestly, I love it there. It's so calm and relaxing and the community is beautiful. I just wish TMD was like that, though it could never be since it's a guns server filled to the brim with immature little boys. Punishment should be a bit more harsh with this sort of stuff, though I do admit I've done similar sometimes. I mean, calling someone EZ shouldn't be a mute, but when it hits the point of harassment, it needs to be dealt with. Nobody deserves to be constantly put down by the same persons words over and over. Especially when that person could easily get past a /ignore through something like messages and other people. I've ignored someone before, just to have their teammates message me saying "(Insert name here) said ...."


    Kyritic Kyritic
    Guys look, This stuff is not better without action, We need to lead by example so that new-players join with respect and build up the community by doing giveaways, having sportsmanship and saying 'GG', Not have basic petty arguments when someone had made a mistake that they later corrected, recording. I am gonna post a proper paragraph on here later as I am quite busy at the moment.


    New member
    well lets hope the new update fixes all this especially the chat problems, they need to be way more strict on chat because anyone at any age can join this server and little kids should not see some of the stuff they say in HN


    seuboi seuboi
    " I just wish TMD was like that, though it could never be since it's a guns server filled to the brim with immature little boys."


    I was writing a reply but I think that resume all I was going to say, unfortunately.
    Obviously not every 12 yo are annoying as not older ppl are smart enough to just shut up. But we can't ignore that more than half of these annoyances wouldn't happen if we could have some maturity here and there


    GodOfThorns GodOfThorns
    The problem we face here is, society as a whole is more, "toxic" just because you see it more in Minecraft, doesn't mean it's not happening just as much in other places. Let's make a comparison, America (just as an example) is known to be rude and mean, doesn't mean everyone in America is, just a generalization. Cultures off in the distance somewhere are less "rude" because normally, there's less reason for arguments. This is why we see a variation in servers. Pixelmon is different because it's less competitive and not as much to argue about. When thought about, what's different in Havoc than twitter? Americas president? American people? While the issues are more serious, the ways of going about that change isn't different. People aren't happy, people demand change. Protest are crazy in America, literally. People seem to find the slightest of issues and over dramatize them.. It's crazy, but it's life. People are going to ask for change and if they don't feel they got the change needed, they're going to force it. Toxicity, I'm not exactly sure about this one. The people that complain how toxic the community is are the ones who seem to spread it the most. "ez" and "you're bad" are things people are going to say to reward themselves for clicking the mouse, how you handle that is what dictates toxicity. If you're upset that someone called you "ez" and you backlash, that's what causes fights and disturbances. All people seem to do is say, "Wow, the community is so toxic, everyone needs to grow up" and instead of giving us ways to fix it, they add to the problem. Us as staff are only human, we need other help. We need you guys to give us ideas on how to handle toxicity. If we made "ez" muteable, the people who complained about being called "ez" are the ones who will get mad when muted for it. I agree, 100%, toxicity needs to be handled and people need to stop, but how do we do that? How do we force people to talk a certain way or act a certain way? We give all of you /ignore, use it. If there's still issues, contact someone. Take a leave, a break. Overall, I'd love to do something about harassment and toxicity, but I don't see it happening. I'm sorry people are rude.. I truly am, I wish I wish everyone could just love each other and be happy, I do.


    Doioi Doioi
    The problem we face here is, society as a whole is more, "toxic" just because you see it more in Minecraft, doesn't mean it's not happening just as much in other places. Let's make a comparison, America (just as an example) is known to be rude and mean, doesn't mean everyone in America is, just a generalization. Cultures off in the distance somewhere are less "rude" because normally, there's less reason for arguments. This is why we see a variation in servers. Pixelmon is different because it's less competitive and not as much to argue about. When thought about, what's different in Havoc than twitter? Americas president? American people? While the issues are more serious, the ways of going about that change isn't different. People aren't happy, people demand change. Protest are crazy in America, literally. People seem to find the slightest of issues and over dramatize them.. It's crazy, but it's life. People are going to ask for change and if they don't feel they got the change needed, they're going to force it. Toxicity, I'm not exactly sure about this one. The people that complain how toxic the community is are the ones who seem to spread it the most. "ez" and "you're bad" are things people are going to say to reward themselves for clicking the mouse, how you handle that is what dictates toxicity. If you're upset that someone called you "ez" and you backlash, that's what causes fights and disturbances. All people seem to do is say, "Wow, the community is so toxic, everyone needs to grow up" and instead of giving us ways to fix it, they add to the problem. Us as staff are only human, we need other help. We need you guys to give us ideas on how to handle toxicity. If we made "ez" muteable, the people who complained about being called "ez" are the ones who will get mad when muted for it. I agree, 100%, toxicity needs to be handled and people need to stop, but how do we do that? How do we force people to talk a certain way or act a certain way? We give all of you /ignore, use it. If there's still issues, contact someone. Take a leave, a break. Overall, I'd love to do something about harassment and toxicity, but I don't see it happening. I'm sorry people are rude.. I truly am, I wish I wish everyone could just love each other and be happy, I do.
    the only way we can fix it is if every one works together to fix it its not like staff can do it. If everyone wants the old tmd back they need to remember what powered old tmd and how easier and less stressful the staffs days were.


    GodOfThorns GodOfThorns
    the only way we can fix it is if every one works together to fix it its not like staff can do it. If everyone wants the old tmd back they need to remember what powered old tmd and how easier and less stressful the staffs days were.

    What do you mean, "old tmd" bringing back an environment of gameplay won't change an attitude.


    Shallowing Shallowing
    This is the exact reason why I'm thinking about quitting TMD and finding a different server. Everyday I join I always see someone getting harassed or someone just being rude to everyone around them. When I first joined it was very peaceful actually even if I did join last year ._. I always saw people write gg in chat after they've fought. Sometimes I'd see "ez" but it wasn't as often as now. Like today, I died to a player (not naming him/her) and 3 people from their team says "ez half jugg" and called me bad just to irritate me. Also, I've noticed half the server is full of ****y people that think they are better than everyone else at a block game... seriously?? It seems to me like a bunch of grown kids getting carried away over a game that should be for 10 yr olds. But I am not going to lie, I've got carried away over a block game xD but I try to keep it fair. I always say gg and I've never said "ez" because it's just plain rude. How hard is it for people to just say "gg" after a war or fight and get on with your day? Not that hard if you ask me :/ I hope that it will go back to being a more peaceful place for everyone. And people will be like it was before^-^

    -Everything that was said wasn't to target specific players, just hope that the daily harassment over fights gets better :p-


    Nekophysix Nekophysix
    This is the exact reason why I'm thinking about quitting TMD and finding a different server. Everyday I join I always see someone getting harassed or someone just being rude to everyone around them. When I first joined it was very peaceful actually even if I did join last year ._. I always saw people write gg in chat after they've fought. Sometimes I'd see "ez" but it wasn't as often as now. Like today, I died to a player (not naming him/her) and 3 people from their team says "ez half jugg" and called me bad just to irritate me. Also, I've noticed half the server is full of ****y people that think they are better than everyone else at a block game... seriously?? It seems to me like a bunch of grown kids getting carried away over a game that should be for 10 yr olds. But I am not going to lie, I've got carried away over a block game xD but I try to keep it fair. I always say gg and I've never said "ez" because it's just plain rude. How hard is it for people to just say "gg" after a war or fight and get on with your day? Not that hard if you ask me :/ I hope that it will go back to being a more peaceful place for everyone. And people will be like it was before^-^

    -Everything that was said wasn't to target specific players, just hope that the daily harassment over fights gets better :p-

    Most of the nice people have gotten to over shadowed by toxic players for example usually when i kill some one i get a PM gg wp and occasionally said in all chat.And if you see someone getting harassed and think its going over the line do /staff and get a helper online to remedy the situation.Please do keep in mind that sometimes due to a shortage of staff that response times may vary and can take from 1min to never for staff to show up.

    Even as a non staff you can do your part with /staff,and even better is if your popular or well respected in a server e.g havoc horizon for me i have gotten scammers to return money and flamers to apologize.However with this said ,try not to get too involved into it as it may bring you problems as well.


    Shallowing Shallowing
    Most of the nice people have gotten to over shadowed by toxic players for example usually when i kill some one i get a PM gg wp and occasionally said in all chat.And if you see someone getting harassed and think its going over the line do /staff and get a helper online to remedy the situation.Please do keep in mind that sometimes due to a shortage of staff that response times may vary and can take from 1min to never for staff to show up.

    Even as a non staff you can do your part with /staff,and even better is if your popular or well respected in a server e.g havoc horizon for me i have gotten scammers to return money and flamers to apologize.However with this said ,try not to get too involved into it as it may bring you problems as well.
    I've done /staff many times before. However, it wasn't taken care of. In my own known experience i do know staff members can't get to everything. I just hope that the server will take to a more friendly community. :p


    jawamaniac jawamaniac
    I have noticed an increase of people in chat arguing and fighting and its nothing like the old old very very old tmd days. I hadn't been around on tmd in these old days but I do watch videos of it and I see a difference in the community and it is quite shocking. I was watching a video from 2013 one of the first tmd videos and chat was so peaceful it was interesting, I haven't seen tmd that peaceful ever in my time being on tmd and I have been around since November last year, and every day is the same in chat. Everyone is either angry or has nothing else to do so they start fights in chat and its annoying because people sometimes miss important things in chat, if you want to argue you should keep it in message. I remember when I first joined tmd seeing staff say things like "if you are going to argue keep it in message please" but it seems that everyone is so salty nowadays that you guys pushed staff to the limit and they gave up on telling u guys otherwise. And yes, sometimes people get muted for saying things derogatory but, there used to be a time where you would be muted or told to keep it in message when you would argue in the global chat. In the old days players were respectful and used to say gg after war and get over it. Now, now its taken so seriously everyone goes nuts after war. Everyone gets salty in chat and fights it out for minutes sometimes hours on end and its sickening because its wrong. Why is it wrong? Some people don't like chat getting flooded and spammed with unnecessary things. Second of all players who scum. Everyone is guilty for this now and it doesn't matter who started it its who thinks that it should stay and keeps fighting the the system when its something that shouldn't be happening. Teams now take the advantage age if they see it to scum because they are thirsty to be ontop and rub it in everyones face. I think most of us have forgotten that its just a game and we shouldn't be making people angry and sad or what ever they feel over it. We need to step back and see why the community has changed so briskly and change it back so we can all have a good time on the server. Because most people can agree that the community is being divergent nowadays. And to be honest its not even the people who start the fights its also the people who continue to fuel the flame in the arugment, we could just ignore them. And yes of course it could be worse but it can always be better, keep that in mind. Regards-Harrison

    It's the ugly update m8


    Wavy_Buster Wavy_Buster
    I've done /staff many times before. However, it wasn't taken care of. In my own known experience i do know staff members can't get to everything. I just hope that the server will take to a more friendly community. :p
    The staff members come from different timezones, therefore we can't get to you sometimes, in the meanwhile you could make a support ticket.