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  • Tmd Dieing?


    New member
    Hello I am making this thread because from the looks of tmd (kind of obvious) it is dying, I know a lot of big players have quit tmd and that hurts havoc a lot, and since the reset there has been so many random's and a lot of player are inactive so I'm just making a prediction that havoc will die within the next year, but what will bring players back and bring havoc back to its prime again is, bringing the original map and the old gun mechanics just some advise, ik that you all blew it up but its got to be there somewhere, so I hope that tmd comes back to its prime but I highly doubt that it will. idk if the staff realizes that the server is dying but it is dying and the owners and other staff members better do something about it before it completely dyes, ik that the owners have put a lot of time into this server but you all just ignore what the players want, and what the players want to the original map and the old gun mechanics.


    JBentley694 JBentley694
    Hello I am making this thread because from the looks of tmd (kind of obvious) it is dying, I know a lot of big players have quit tmd and that hurts havoc a lot, and since the reset there has been so many random's and a lot of player are inactive so I'm just making a prediction that havoc will die within the next year, but what will bring players back and bring havoc back to its prime again is, bringing the original map and the old gun mechanics just some advise, ik that you all blew it up but its got to be there somewhere, so I hope that tmd comes back to its prime but I highly doubt that it will. idk if the staff realizes that the server is dying but it is dying and the owners and other staff members better do something about it before it completely dyes, ik that the owners have put a lot of time into this server but you all just ignore what the players want, and what the players want to the original map and the old gun mechanics.

    I mean we can add the old old map but alot of current locations and future locations wont be added cause of its size and layout. With the old old maps layout Griffin, Kingdom, Sanctuary, scavenger camp, and a few other places like newnan and an updated king county wont be added or if we try and add them they will have to be reduced in size and changed to a point where they will look nothing like show quality. We have also been working on to replace finley port with Savanah as a telltale game portion to the map. I understand some people want an unrealistic map and just want a city scape with point and click pvp but alot of the others want something thats realistic to the show becasue basically thats why they joined this server is for a TWD experience. Even though people say to just update the builds of the old map it still presents the issue of size and re-orginization as the new builds are larger and more detailed to accuracy. As for the server dying I honestly dont know why people are obsessed with this conclusion but for the longest time the player base for tmd was 50-80 players with jsut 1 server for the longest time and currently having 4 tmd servers,havoc horizons, map maker, minewars, and the others many of us feel the player base for Havoc is come to a steady pace with school being in session for most people and the transition of older players moving away from minecraft to go on to better things in life.

    Anyways to answer your original thought yes we can bring back the original map but if we do it will be an ugly and un-organized mess that I guarantee will **** more people off to see it. Yes we have realized some of the prime players are leaving as many have done in the past such as worstestgrammer and I think zombieeyeballs was also one and the players who got mad and left a couple years ago cause we added Grady hospital to Atlanta and they said we "f'd" the map up and left from rage. The gun mechanics I can agree the pvp aspect is a bit of a mess right now and I think legend weapons should of been a limited time thing in the past but oh well.

    Finally to address the elephant in the room which is the staff negligence lately that so many are upset over. Please and I ask of you please do understand that everyone who works for havoc work hard and also do have lives outside the server. We are all spread then at the moment as we are trying to meet every demand of the players. We have some working on bugs, some working on mine wars, people working on hellnight and HavocHorizons, and Im currently trying to make the tmd map as close to the old old map as possible without making it in-accurate or fugly. We all have been working hard and it does not help to hear people complain and threaten to leave because they feel they are being neglected. Truth be told none of you are being neglected by us but we have 400 people so to speak wanting things so many different ways and we are trying to please everyone but sadly you can not please everyone all you can do is try. We do not get payed to do what we do, we do it from our on interest and the kindness to others and help create something fans love.

    I hope you all do consider all options and the feelings of people many are blaming for "f****ing" things up but we are all trying to please many people while at the same time fixing bugs and completing many projects and trying to live our own personal lives.

    Thank You Come Again :D


    Slimme Slimme
    Server is dieing, all the new players hackusate me so idgaf. Server should go back to the way it first was in 1.8


    Beetley Beetley
    What players need to remember, is that we're not really a PvP server. We're a Walking Dead server, with added PvP elements.

    I get that you PvP'ers and stuff are unhappy about not knowing your way around the new map or whatever, but it's hardly something to quit over.

    As for losing players, when school ends in some countries, we'll gain many more. All you guys have to do is keep playing, advertising, doing whatever you're doing.


    Slimme Slimme
    I have no issue knowing locations on the current map. Game is pay to win. Example, they release mythical before fixing bugs, and you need to be mythical to warp to this high waring locations. Nobody enjoys running.


    Well-known member
    Draw4 Draw4
    If that's the way you honestly feel then I suggest you find another server that doesn't care about accuracy or fan dedication. :D

    Probably over half the server doesn't care about map build accuracy, server was at is peak about two years ago so that says a lot about how much accuracy matters. I'm a big fan of Walking Dead as a show but as a game it's a bit different. Also you can't say you guys have dedicated fans if _Nickk is trying to change this to PUBG now. Also PUBG is really great game that I've seen but it's not accurate, nothing is and now since you said old map is still a possibility players are just going to ask for it more.

    Well Played m8.


    PVP is the majority of the previous toxicity playerbase, most of the hackers/cheaters, and also the most that ****ted on the staff...

    If we were to go "Realism" on a Walking Dead server then none of this "new" bull**** would have been added. Hell Night was great, but now it's apparently a PUBG...

    TMD in general was a close community at first with productive staff and players who cared a great deal of the server...but now many of them have quit or gave up.

    The main issue from my point of view, was the introduction of toxic ****ty players who literally destroyed many player's enjoyment of the server and many once trashy players who thought they were the **** joined them, either using hacks/cheating in order to reach the top to fulfill their ****ing Egotistic *** Minecraft egos. Most people would believe that the toxic players would be the squeaky little screamers, but they were really the teenagers or young adults who spread the hatred that made the owners make the server have crappy ***, incomplete garbage updates in order to appeal to those ***-hats who destroyed the server.

    Staff Suck-Ups were not the worst on the forums in my opinion, they just didn't read or understand the posts completely and thought everything was an attack on their staff...The Worst on forums were the ****ty "main" playerbase who typically played TMD as a religion and complained about everything that did not go their way...


    Slimme Slimme
    PVP is the majority of the previous toxicity playerbase, most of the hackers/cheaters, and also the most that ****ted on the staff...

    If we were to go "Realism" on a Walking Dead server then none of this "new" bull**** would have been added. Hell Night was great, but now it's apparently a PUBG...

    TMD in general was a close community at first with productive staff and players who cared a great deal of the server...but now many of them have quit or gave up.

    The main issue from my point of view, was the introduction of toxic ****ty players who literally destroyed many player's enjoyment of the server and many once trashy players who thought they were the **** joined them, either using hacks/cheating in order to reach the top to fulfill their ****ing Egotistic *** Minecraft egos. Most people would believe that the toxic players would be the squeaky little screamers, but they were really the teenagers or young adults who spread the hatred that made the owners make the server have crappy ***, incomplete garbage updates in order to appeal to those ***-hats who destroyed the server.

    Staff Suck-Ups were not the worst on the forums in my opinion, they just didn't read or understand the posts completely and thought everything was an attack on their staff...The Worst on forums were the ****ty "main" playerbase who typically played TMD as a religion and complained about everything that did not go their way...
    You go bud


    JBentley694 JBentley694
    PVP is the majority of the previous toxicity playerbase, most of the hackers/cheaters, and also the most that ****ted on the staff...

    If we were to go "Realism" on a Walking Dead server then none of this "new" bull**** would have been added. Hell Night was great, but now it's apparently a PUBG...

    TMD in general was a close community at first with productive staff and players who cared a great deal of the server...but now many of them have quit or gave up.

    The main issue from my point of view, was the introduction of toxic ****ty players who literally destroyed many player's enjoyment of the server and many once trashy players who thought they were the **** joined them, either using hacks/cheating in order to reach the top to fulfill their ****ing Egotistic *** Minecraft egos. Most people would believe that the toxic players would be the squeaky little screamers, but they were really the teenagers or young adults who spread the hatred that made the owners make the server have crappy ***, incomplete garbage updates in order to appeal to those ***-hats who destroyed the server.

    Staff Suck-Ups were not the worst on the forums in my opinion, they just didn't read or understand the posts completely and thought everything was an attack on their staff...The Worst on forums were the ****ty "main" playerbase who typically played TMD as a religion and complained about everything that did not go their way...

    I agree about the new wave of players who have come to our community just to talk big and see how far they can get with hacks. I also am not a fan for the new hellnight version and I don't really know what a pubg is, I know what a pub is or maybe I'm just too old but I think the classic hellnight was once a nice feature and I think if we keep working we can restore it to what it once was. As for the crappy updates, I mean yeah people are gonna hate them and think they are crap at first but as the show progresses we have to continue to add more and more locations and doing that means we have to re-organize the map to make locations suitable and at least make some sense to people who actually watch the show. We also have many other server out there who aim to also make servers based on the show and the comic and if we want to continue to stay in the race we have to keep working on continuing updates. Also yes it is mainly the hater players fault that has caused the current stagger in updates and information. We have players and many of them haters coming at us from all areas bashing us about bug fix's, hellnight fix, TMD map fix, mine wars and a bunch of other crap and there is only so much so many of us can do at a time while trying to live our own lives and at the same time try and please the hater players and the players who are pissed because they feel forgotten.


    Firelillx Firelillx
    I personally like the new map the best (except for oceanside, rip- its just really, really bad). I think it's fun for pvp and exploring- so it has the potential to make most ppl happy. Sure it needs some tweaking and updating, like interiors and such. But overall, it has a lot of potential imo. I know I am in a smaller minority of people who think this, though.

    I think what kills the community is not only toxic people, but half-assed updates. I get they want to get things out as quick as possible, but it is frustrating for players to play on a broken server. It seems like the "updates" turn into a long list of things that the players liked getting removed or broken- like cars, for instance.

    If the dev team (aka one owner, right?) would just do a beta testing before the release and fix the bugs prior to releasing it, I think a majority of the server's problems would be solved. Players would be less angry, and staff wouldn't get attacked as much. At a certain point, the owners need to listen to the players and stop trying to change everything. Yes, updates are fun, but a lot of people joined the game because the server was fun the way it was- changing it all the time, especially things that were liked by players (hell night) makes people mad. People wanted Hell's Night back- not some PUBG crap.

    Basically- owners need to stop changing stuff and listen to the people who get on the server and keep it alive. They also need to stop sacrificing the quality of their updates for the sake of shutting people up. If you can't finish the updates in a timely manner, hire help!


    Slimme Slimme
    I personally like the new map the best (except for oceanside, rip- its just really, really bad). I think it's fun for pvp and exploring- so it has the potential to make most ppl happy. Sure it needs some tweaking and updating, like interiors and such. But overall, it has a lot of potential imo. I know I am in a smaller minority of people who think this, though.

    I think what kills the community is not only toxic people, but half-assed updates. I get they want to get things out as quick as possible, but it is frustrating for players to play on a broken server. It seems like the "updates" turn into a long list of things that the players liked getting removed or broken- like cars, for instance.

    If the dev team (aka one owner, right?) would just do a beta testing before the release and fix the bugs prior to releasing it, I think a majority of the server's problems would be solved. Players would be less angry, and staff wouldn't get attacked as much. At a certain point, the owners need to listen to the players and stop trying to change everything. Yes, updates are fun, but a lot of people joined the game because the server was fun the way it was- changing it all the time, especially things that were liked by players (hell night) makes people mad. People wanted Hell's Night back- not some PUBG crap.

    Basically- owners need to stop changing stuff and listen to the people who get on the server and keep it alive. They also need to stop sacrificing the quality of their updates for the sake of shutting people up. If you can't finish the updates in a timely manner, hire help!
    Agreed 100%


    Active member
    What players need to remember, is that we're not really a PvP server. We're a Walking Dead server, with added PvP elements.
    That may have been the original intention as a server. But quite frankly, no. "We're a PvP server, with added Walking Dead elements." is what really true...
    I'm sorry but when you look at it, what brought this server >90% of its fame in the past? That's right, PvP..... The other <10% were roleplayers that loved the Walking Dead elements.

    In the end, no matter how the owners originally created it to be, or how they wanted it to be with new update, TMD has and always will be known for the PvP aspect. Sadly good PvP has died out in the past year, and... the server died along with it. Sorry for the honesty..


    Beetley Beetley
    I think what kills the community is not only toxic people, but half-assed updates. I get they want to get things out as quick as possible, but it is frustrating for players to play on a broken server. It seems like the "updates" turn into a long list of things that the players liked getting removed or broken- like cars, for instance.

    I can't help with you disliking updates, or not being patient enough to wait for fixes.

    However, removing the toxic members from the community is my job, and if they're still around and causing problems, that means I'm not doing my job properly. Please PM me on either the forums, discord (Beetley#2955) or in game if you have any details or evidence of toxicity.



    Well-known member
    Draw4 Draw4
    I can't help with you disliking updates, or not being patient enough to wait for fixes.

    However, removing the toxic members from the community is my job, and if they're still around and causing problems, that means I'm not doing my job properly. Please PM me on either the forums, discord (Beetley#2955) or in game if you have any details or evidence of toxicity.


    First staff I have ever seen willing to take the blame publicly. Good Guy, Beetley.