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  • [TMD] Hourly Public Supply Drops In The Map.

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    Foxette__ Foxette__
    Ever since the new voting system update, you can buy a personal supply drop containing a variety of loot.

    What if there was like an hourly public supply drop system.
    Every hour or 2, a supply drop will drop randomly in the map in a certain set of locations.
    And 5-10 minutes before it's dropped it could announce the coordinates to where it will drop. The supply drop will contain some normal loot , maybe some money and possibly a very rare item at times . This will influence players into PvP in order to get some extraordinary loot.

    Let me know on what you think of this idea.


    DinoDerp_ DinoDerp_
    I like this idea very much. It will bring players together into a fight and create more PvP what i would like to have more in TMD.


    New member
    This will create lots of little mini events and spice up pvp, I feel a cool add on could be possibly having a vote party special crate drop where every time the server gets (example) 500 votes a legendary supply crate is dropped. Another cool thing is maybe skulls can be given to the person who opens it that way we have another way besides hn to get skulls.


    Ever since the new voting system update, you can buy a personal supply drop containing a variety of loot.

    What if there was like an hourly public supply drop system.
    Every hour or 2, a supply drop will drop randomly in the map in a certain set of locations.
    And 5-10 minutes before it's dropped it could announce the coordinates to where it will drop. The supply drop will contain some normal loot , maybe some money and possibly a very rare item at times . This will influence players into PvP in order to get some extraordinary loot.

    Let me know on what you think of this idea.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    It's definitely got my vote! On some of the other zombie servers I play on, they have supply drops of four chests and a beacon (so you can find the location) and they announce the coords. I love them, as it brings in quite an interesting pvp experience.