• IP Copied!
  • TMD Updates, Twitter Giveaway, and the Youtube Rank


    Jacobg1998 Jacobg1998

    The Mining Dead Update

    I am excited to be announcing that our new Mining Dead update will be released next week on February 9th! This update will include a variety of exciting new additions including Tier 5 guns, three new Safezones, six brand new camos, and over 30 new or updated locations around the map! Be sure to login next Friday to check out all the new additions for yourself!

    Twitter Giveaway

    We are giving away each of the new Tier 5 Guns to three lucky winners on our Twitter. To enter simply go to our twitter, and follow the easy instructions. Good luck!

    Youtube Rank Changes
    We have decided to make some adjustments to our Youtube Rank and the requirements content creators need to achieve it. There will now be three different tiers of the Youtube Rank that can be earned by having different amounts of subscribers.
    • The first tier of the rank will be for anyone with at least 1,000 subscribers and will have the equivalent perks of the Champion Rank.
    • The second tier of the rank will be for anyone with at least 5,000 subscribers and will have the equivalent perks of the Titan Rank.
    • The third tier of the rank will be for anyone with at least 10,000 subscribers and will have the equivalent perks of the Mythical Rank.
    In addition to the subscriber requirement changes, we are adding a few broad requirements for anyone looking to earn the rank.
    • All users with the Youtube Rank must upload at least one video on the server each month if they wish to keep the rank.
    • All users with the Youtube Rank must have and maintain a relatively clean punishment history.
    If you believe you meet all this requirements, you can submit a formal application for the rank here.

    Havoc Horizons Poll
    If you are interested, check out this Havoc Horizons Poll about Season 3.
    Any suggestions made in this poll will greatly help us with the update.

    Vote Winners
    Last but not least, I am glad to announce our January Voting Contest winners.
    1st Place - Rockaroky - $100 Voucher
    2nd Place - RaidingCraft - $75 Voucher
    3rd Place - cc0211 - $50 Voucher
    4th Place - Nycarae - $25 Voucher
    5th Place - awes0methunger1 - $15 Voucher
    6th Place - Kubyra - $10 Voucher
    7th Place - LuLii31 - $10 Voucher
    8th Place - Zepat - $10 Voucher
    9th Place - BlackOps050 - $10 Voucher
    10th Place - MRGIGN1306 - $10 Voucher
    Congratulations to all the winners, and be sure to start voting for a chance to win next month's voucher! If you are listed as one of the winners but have not yet received you voucher, create a website account and message me to receive your prize.
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    reaperbunion_ reaperbunion_
    this is gonna be awesome! and i have a tier 5 already, bouhgt it off bubblepunch for 600k, realized it was useless just now cause its coming out on feb 9th


    Qizu Qizu
    The Vector can 4 hit a riot...Ouch (I think)
    Sniper does like 2.5 less from gbar.
    Not sure about others

    -CZP09 Pistol
    -Vector SMG
    -KSG Shotgun
    -AWM Sniper
    -Groza Assault

    Vector Stats-
    Damage -5.0
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