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  • TMDC Player Suggestions and Votes

    Do you think being able to break other vehicles while in you're own vehicle should be added on TMDC?

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    New member
    Hello, as you may know I am naner_man and For all of those players out there who want to have a say in the future of TMDC, this post is a chance for you to share you're opinions, ideas and to be able to vote for what shape and form tmdc will take in the future. This thread is not made for people to have arguments and I hope that we can all be able to share our opinions in a positive manner. To start you're own polls simply ask what you want changed and the responses of the people will be the answer.


    New member
    Do you think being able to track players with you're compasses should be kept in the game, removed entirely or just removed from regular compasses? Reply with you're opinions!


    Do you think being able to track players with you're compasses should be kept in the game, removed entirely or just removed from regular compasses? Reply with you're opinions!
    compasses are fine as they are, the larger the player base gets the less of an issue they will be, wasting the owner and devs time on this will slow other, much more needed changes in the game. for minor quality of life changes to the game, i would advise waiting for pvp to be in a stable spot