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  • Why We Hate Staff

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    purrr purrr
    Nobody thinks the staff cares for the playerbase.

    Unless you're one of those mini-staff who feel the need to suck up to staff for a better chance at helper, in which case, please go away, I don't like you.

    The staff continuously fail to do anything to appease us by:

    -Delaying everything
    -lack of transparency
    -lack of trustworthiness
    -lack of any schedule
    -no new additions
    -poor moderation

    Now before I hear either:
    -dumb 12 year olds who agree with anything the staff say regardless of what it is
    -staff whining about how "hard" their jobs are
    -people whining about how the staff is "only human"

    This is my opinion. I really don't care if you have to argue about every point I make. I'm gonna ignore you.

    So I'm starting.

    Staff manages to not only give a clear release date, but also not follow through on it.

    Take the old (big) map.

    That thing was delayed like 5 times, and we didn't get a straight answer on when it would be ready until a week before, and they didn't bother to:

    -get "beta testers" to see how it would function
    -see the flaws of the map
    -consult others on what can and cannot be improved

    ..and then they manage to say "well uhh you guys were whiny and we had to make a new one!1!!1!

    No kidding! You didn't ask anyone besides yourselves if it was GOOD!

    Hellnight is, figures, another problem. No release date. Nothing. 11/10, thanks.

    There is a huge lack of trustworthiness and transparency lying in the staff from the players. I honestly only trust a few particular staff members, simply because some are

    -biased towards their team
    -always seem to avoid the answer
    -never seem to actually help with problems

    Regarding the demotions of Culpeo, (and more recently,) iHank, I really sit in a position where you don't know where to go. I don't feel that safe around staff anymore.

    Many of the staff don't really moderate.

    As an experiment I used an alternate account and tried to get muted in 10 minutes.

    I stirred chat, used slurs, and used poor language and nobody cared. There was even a helper on, too, sadly, who was obviously too oblivious to notice. No mutes, warns, anything. Many other times I see staff doing their jobs— which I commend— but others I see them slacking off.

    No additions speak for itself. You added mythical, some half-assed cash grab for literally nothing besides ****ing the economy even more. You haven't fixed bikes, hellnight, or literally did anything to balance the game.

    Which is the reason many have left the server and many more are trying to (levituz, bazillions of others).

    I'm quitting too, at 12,000 kills.

    So have at it staff.
    Have fun.


    Katitude Katitude
    Nobody thinks the staff cares for the playerbase.

    Unless you're one of those mini-staff who feel the need to suck up to staff for a better chance at helper, in which case, please go away, I don't like you.

    The staff continuously fail to do anything to appease us by:

    -Delaying everything
    -lack of transparency
    -lack of trustworthiness
    -lack of any schedule
    -no new additions
    -poor moderation

    Now before I hear either:
    -dumb 12 year olds who agree with anything the staff say regardless of what it is
    -staff whining about how "hard" their jobs are
    -people whining about how the staff is "only human"

    This is my opinion. I really don't care if you have to argue about every point I make. I'm gonna ignore you.

    So I'm starting.

    Staff manages to not only give a clear release date, but also not follow through on it.

    Take the old (big) map.

    That thing was delayed like 5 times, and we didn't get a straight answer on when it would be ready until a week before, and they didn't bother to:

    -get "beta testers" to see how it would function
    -see the flaws of the map
    -consult others on what can and cannot be improved

    ..and then they manage to say "well uhh you guys were whiny and we had to make a new one!1!!1!

    No kidding! You didn't ask anyone besides yourselves if it was GOOD!

    Hellnight is, figures, another problem. No release date. Nothing. 11/10, thanks.

    There is a huge lack of trustworthiness and transparency lying in the staff from the players. I honestly only trust a few particular staff members, simply because some are

    -biased towards their team
    -always seem to avoid the answer
    -never seem to actually help with problems

    Regarding the demotions of Culpeo, (and more recently,) iHank, I really sit in a position where you don't know where to go. I don't feel that safe around staff anymore.

    Many of the staff don't really moderate.

    As an experiment I used an alternate account and tried to get muted in 10 minutes.

    I stirred chat, used slurs, and used poor language and nobody cared. There was even a helper on, too, sadly, who was obviously too oblivious to notice. No mutes, warns, anything. Many other times I see staff doing their jobs— which I commend— but others I see them slacking off.

    No additions speak for itself. You added mythical, some half-assed cash grab for literally nothing besides ****ing the economy even more. You haven't fixed bikes, hellnight, or literally did anything to balance the game.

    Which is the reason many have left the server and many more are trying to (levituz, bazillions of others).

    I'm quitting too, at 12,000 kills.

    So have at it staff.
    Have fun.
    Hey @xhypurr,

    Is it okay if you can private message me on the forums? I understand your concerns and I hope to discuss them with you. ^-^


    UnknownMelody UnknownMelody
    I'm just going to start off by saying I don't really see why this is even a thread. There is no other reason to create this other than to start drama or call out staff. Do you know how frustrating it is to try your best and get called out for it every day? It's not like we're trying to do a bad job or upset you. I don't know what you think we do all day. I know what I do all day and if I'm not busy with my life outside the server, I'm trying my damn hardest to improve the staff team to please the community. I don't know why I bother though, because no one is ever happy with the hard work any staff puts in. xHypurr, I was really expecting more from you.

    To begin with, staff have absolutely nothing to do with updates and release dates. This is purely up to the owner, developers and builders if it's dependent on a map. Why are you upset at us for something that is not even our fault. Besides, we have three owners right now who are in charge of the updates, release dates and everything else. Three. It's not like we have an army and yeah, sometimes they get it wrong but they are trying their hardest too. They don't just think "Hey, what would annoy everybody the most? I know! (Insert idea here)." It's their server too and I can tell you right now that they wouldn't do something to it if they thought it would ruin it or the community for anybody. Also, mistakes happen. Maybe you think you'll be finished something by a certain time but then draw-backs and unexpected bugs appear and the release date is extended. Do you think that's intended to happen? Do you think we try to make that happen? We don't. It's life. Things don't go as expected.

    If the staff didn't care about the playerbase, why would we even be here? For the fancy tag that apparently means nothing? We put time and effort in to help you. I sure as hell wouldn't have wasted 2 years of my life for a fancy tag. I'm here for you. However, posts like these make me feel like I just wasted my time because the work that I put in clearly isn't appreciated. Last week I took a night off for my boyfriend's 18th Birthday and I come back to the server the next day to get told that I'm inactive and I don't do anything. Well, I just might be the worst person in the world for wanting to celebrate a big moment with my boyfriend. I apologize for that. Also, I've personally been called the absolute worst of names and I've been emotionally attacked and harassed by players on here simply because I do my job. I've been told that I look like I have down-syndrome. Do you think I would apply and stay here for 2 years, taking those sorts of comments and criticism just for a fancy tag?

    You know what else? We get told that our decisions are stupid. You know what I find stupid? We give a staff member who has literally broken the rules 5+ chances and warnings to improve, yet when they don't, get worse and we decide to demote them - we've apparently made the worst decision in the world. However, when a staff member doesn't even break the rules, makes a mistake and corrects, yet we still give them a formal warning - we've made another horrible decision and should have demoted them. I don't know what you want or expect from us. People think we are biased with our demotions so we literally put a demotion system in place so that everyone knew what was going on, and when we follow it we're still biased. I don't get it. It's honestly never enough.

    You want us to be transparent? As far as I'm concerned, I don't know why you would need to know demotion reasons. If you wanted an answer, ask the ex-staff in question. You might not receive the honest answer as it's human-nature to protect yourself, but it's the best you'll get because no matter how much trouble an ex-staff has caused, we won't release their demotion reason to protect their privacy. If you made a mistake that upset a lot of people, would you like it broadcasted everywhere and everyone to judge you for it? I sure wouldn't. I think that's reasonable. Other than that, I don't know what else we're not exactly transparent about. We don't try and hide things from you.

    You think we're not trustworthy? Show me how we've shown that to you. Is this because you think we're biased? If so, message me who you think is and any evidence you have and I'll take a look. If you can't do that, then I don't know how we're not trustworthy. if this is in regards to a staff member griefing players, then I understand that you might not trust that staff. However, they were formally warned and we've made it a point to ensure it won't happen again with any staff in the future. I also want to point out that if you see staff not doing their jobs and don't report them, how do you expect us to fix that? They didn't get in trouble so they will continue to do it and we didn't see it so we won't know they aren't doing their jobs.

    I can only speak for myself but I never stop searching for ways to improve the staff team. I have a list right now that I've been working through since I received the admin position to improve the staff team. I remember even coming to you in particular asking for opinions and suggestions on how to improve the staff team. I can also say that I'm not biased towards my team because I don't even have a team, and how exactly do I avoid the answer and never help with problems if I go directly to you for answers and ways to help the problems?

    Schedule? What kind of schedule do you even mean? I don't even have a schedule in my life because nothing ever goes as expected. How would that even work? Also, imagine being accepted as a new Helper. "Welcome to the team. Now you must be active through the hours from 3PM-8PM every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. On Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, you need to extend those hours to 10PM." Does that sound right to you? I don't think so. Our schedule is moderate when you can and for as long as you can. That's fair. We are only volunteers after all. We give up our free time to moderate the server, so we shouldn't be expected to have to follow some kind of schedule of hours.

    No new additions? I'm not sure if you mean updatewise or staff-wise. One would think you mean staff-wise as this is a thread explaining why you hate staff. Although, then one would think that there are no new staff additions when that's false. In the past month we've recruited four new Helpers. If you mean no update additions, please refer to my second paragraph.

    I do apologize for this big rant but on every other thread bagging staff for being horrible, I simply take the criticisms and put them into improving the staff team. I'm still going to try to do that, but I just thought I should finally put my opinion on these types of threads out there. I also don't really care if you ignore me because I am simply writing this so that I can finally put my opinions and feelings out there for people to read how it feels to get these kinds of threads all the time from a staff's perspective. I also want to apologize if this is poorly structured, uses bad grammar or anything like that. I am just venting my thoughts on this thread as they are coming and I couldn't be bothered wasting more of my time on silly hate threads like this. This is simply a hate thread and now that I've put my opinion on it, I'm not going to waste my time replying to it again. I'm 100% willing to take on ideas and suggestions to improve the staff team and maybe if you hadn't had titled this "Why We Hate Staff." you would have received a more accepting and understanding response like I post on all threads that give us suggestions to improve on. Last thing, I know I used "I" a lot through out this post as I can only speak for myself, but I also know that a lot of other staff put in as much hard work as I do into improving the staff team and they don't deserve to have to read why we suck constantly either. So, my thread speaks for them as well. If you have any serious suggestions or reports, I'm happy to hear them. Thanks.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    I agree with UnknownMelody. Why is this even a thread. There is LITERALLY no point in digging this back up and complaining about it, other than to cause drama and problems. If you say you "don't care about anything" in affiliation with the server, why bother? Just ignore it and be done. I've already expressed my view of the treatment of staff, and I will tell you with all seriousness, I'm no suck up. I believe everyone would be happy if this was just put behind us, agreed?


    purrr purrr
    I agree with UnknownMelody. Why is this even a thread. There is LITERALLY no point in digging this back up and complaining about it, other than to cause drama and problems. If you say you "don't care about anything" in affiliation with the server, why bother? Just ignore it and be done. I've already expressed my view of the treatment of staff, and I will tell you with all seriousness, I'm no suck up. I believe everyone would be happy if this was just put behind us, agreed?
    Sorry, i don't reply to staffblowers, thanks :D


    purrr purrr
    I'm just going to start off by saying I don't really see why this is even a thread. There is no other reason to create this other than to start drama or call out staff. Do you know how frustrating it is to try your best and get called out for it every day? It's not like we're trying to do a bad job or upset you. I don't know what you think we do all day. I know what I do all day and if I'm not busy with my life outside the server, I'm trying my damn hardest to improve the staff team to please the community. I don't know why I bother though, because no one is ever happy with the hard work any staff puts in. xHypurr, I was really expecting more from you.

    To begin with, staff have absolutely nothing to do with updates and release dates. This is purely up to the owner, developers and builders if it's dependent on a map. Why are you upset at us for something that is not even our fault. Besides, we have three owners right now who are in charge of the updates, release dates and everything else. Three. It's not like we have an army and yeah, sometimes they get it wrong but they are trying their hardest too. They don't just think "Hey, what would annoy everybody the most? I know! (Insert idea here)." It's their server too and I can tell you right now that they wouldn't do something to it if they thought it would ruin it or the community for anybody. Also, mistakes happen. Maybe you think you'll be finished something by a certain time but then draw-backs and unexpected bugs appear and the release date is extended. Do you think that's intended to happen? Do you think we try to make that happen? We don't. It's life. Things don't go as expected.

    If the staff didn't care about the playerbase, why would we even be here? For the fancy tag that apparently means nothing? We put time and effort in to help you. I sure as hell wouldn't have wasted 2 years of my life for a fancy tag. I'm here for you. However, posts like these make me feel like I just wasted my time because the work that I put in clearly isn't appreciated. Last week I took a night off for my boyfriend's 18th Birthday and I come back to the server the next day to get told that I'm inactive and I don't do anything. Well, I just might be the worst person in the world for wanting to celebrate a big moment with my boyfriend. I apologize for that. Also, I've personally been called the absolute worst of names and I've been emotionally attacked and harassed by players on here simply because I do my job. I've been told that I look like I have down-syndrome. Do you think I would apply and stay here for 2 years, taking those sorts of comments and criticism just for a fancy tag?

    You know what else? We get told that our decisions are stupid. You know what I find stupid? We give a staff member who has literally broken the rules 5+ chances and warnings to improve, yet when they don't, get worse and we decide to demote them - we've apparently made the worst decision in the world. However, when a staff member doesn't even break the rules, makes a mistake and corrects, yet we still give them a formal warning - we've made another horrible decision and should have demoted them. I don't know what you want or expect from us. People think we are biased with our demotions so we literally put a demotion system in place so that everyone knew what was going on, and when we follow it we're still biased. I don't get it. It's honestly never enough.

    You want us to be transparent? As far as I'm concerned, I don't know why you would need to know demotion reasons. If you wanted an answer, ask the ex-staff in question. You might not receive the honest answer as it's human-nature to protect yourself, but it's the best you'll get because no matter how much trouble an ex-staff has caused, we won't release their demotion reason to protect their privacy. If you made a mistake that upset a lot of people, would you like it broadcasted everywhere and everyone to judge you for it? I sure wouldn't. I think that's reasonable. Other than that, I don't know what else we're not exactly transparent about. We don't try and hide things from you.

    You think we're not trustworthy? Show me how we've shown that to you. Is this because you think we're biased? If so, message me who you think is and any evidence you have and I'll take a look. If you can't do that, then I don't know how we're not trustworthy. if this is in regards to a staff member griefing players, then I understand that you might not trust that staff. However, they were formally warned and we've made it a point to ensure it won't happen again with any staff in the future. I also want to point out that if you see staff not doing their jobs and don't report them, how do you expect us to fix that? They didn't get in trouble so they will continue to do it and we didn't see it so we won't know they aren't doing their jobs.

    I can only speak for myself but I never stop searching for ways to improve the staff team. I have a list right now that I've been working through since I received the admin position to improve the staff team. I remember even coming to you in particular asking for opinions and suggestions on how to improve the staff team. I can also say that I'm not biased towards my team because I don't even have a team, and how exactly do I avoid the answer and never help with problems if I go directly to you for answers and ways to help the problems?

    Schedule? What kind of schedule do you even mean? I don't even have a schedule in my life because nothing ever goes as expected. How would that even work? Also, imagine being accepted as a new Helper. "Welcome to the team. Now you must be active through the hours from 3PM-8PM every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. On Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, you need to extend those hours to 10PM." Does that sound right to you? I don't think so. Our schedule is moderate when you can and for as long as you can. That's fair. We are only volunteers after all. We give up our free time to moderate the server, so we shouldn't be expected to have to follow some kind of schedule of hours.

    No new additions? I'm not sure if you mean updatewise or staff-wise. One would think you mean staff-wise as this is a thread explaining why you hate staff. Although, then one would think that there are no new staff additions when that's false. In the past month we've recruited four new Helpers. If you mean no update additions, please refer to my second paragraph.

    I do apologize for this big rant but on every other thread bagging staff for being horrible, I simply take the criticisms and put them into improving the staff team. I'm still going to try to do that, but I just thought I should finally put my opinion on these types of threads out there. I also don't really care if you ignore me because I am simply writing this so that I can finally put my opinions and feelings out there for people to read how it feels to get these kinds of threads all the time from a staff's perspective. I also want to apologize if this is poorly structured, uses bad grammar or anything like that. I am just venting my thoughts on this thread as they are coming and I couldn't be bothered wasting more of my time on silly hate threads like this. This is simply a hate thread and now that I've put my opinion on it, I'm not going to waste my time replying to it again. I'm 100% willing to take on ideas and suggestions to improve the staff team and maybe if you hadn't had titled this "Why We Hate Staff." you would have received a more accepting and understanding response like I post on all threads that give us suggestions to improve on. Last thing, I know I used "I" a lot through out this post as I can only speak for myself, but I also know that a lot of other staff put in as much hard work as I do into improving the staff team and they don't deserve to have to read why we suck constantly either. So, my thread speaks for them as well. If you have any serious suggestions or reports, I'm happy to hear them. Thanks.
    I'm just going to start off by saying I don't really see why this is even a thread. There is no other reason to create this other than to start drama or call out staff. Do you know how frustrating it is to try your best and get called out for it every day? It's not like we're trying to do a bad job or upset you. I don't know what you think we do all day. I know what I do all day and if I'm not busy with my life outside the server, I'm trying my damn hardest to improve the staff team to please the community. I don't know why I bother though, because no one is ever happy with the hard work any staff puts in. xHypurr, I was really expecting more from you.

    To begin with, staff have absolutely nothing to do with updates and release dates. This is purely up to the owner, developers and builders if it's dependent on a map. Why are you upset at us for something that is not even our fault. Besides, we have three owners right now who are in charge of the updates, release dates and everything else. Three. It's not like we have an army and yeah, sometimes they get it wrong but they are trying their hardest too. They don't just think "Hey, what would annoy everybody the most? I know! (Insert idea here)." It's their server too and I can tell you right now that they wouldn't do something to it if they thought it would ruin it or the community for anybody. Also, mistakes happen. Maybe you think you'll be finished something by a certain time but then draw-backs and unexpected bugs appear and the release date is extended. Do you think that's intended to happen? Do you think we try to make that happen? We don't. It's life. Things don't go as expected.

    If the staff didn't care about the playerbase, why would we even be here? For the fancy tag that apparently means nothing? We put time and effort in to help you. I sure as hell wouldn't have wasted 2 years of my life for a fancy tag. I'm here for you. However, posts like these make me feel like I just wasted my time because the work that I put in clearly isn't appreciated. Last week I took a night off for my boyfriend's 18th Birthday and I come back to the server the next day to get told that I'm inactive and I don't do anything. Well, I just might be the worst person in the world for wanting to celebrate a big moment with my boyfriend. I apologize for that. Also, I've personally been called the absolute worst of names and I've been emotionally attacked and harassed by players on here simply because I do my job. I've been told that I look like I have down-syndrome. Do you think I would apply and stay here for 2 years, taking those sorts of comments and criticism just for a fancy tag?

    You know what else? We get told that our decisions are stupid. You know what I find stupid? We give a staff member who has literally broken the rules 5+ chances and warnings to improve, yet when they don't, get worse and we decide to demote them - we've apparently made the worst decision in the world. However, when a staff member doesn't even break the rules, makes a mistake and corrects, yet we still give them a formal warning - we've made another horrible decision and should have demoted them. I don't know what you want or expect from us. People think we are biased with our demotions so we literally put a demotion system in place so that everyone knew what was going on, and when we follow it we're still biased. I don't get it. It's honestly never enough.

    You want us to be transparent? As far as I'm concerned, I don't know why you would need to know demotion reasons. If you wanted an answer, ask the ex-staff in question. You might not receive the honest answer as it's human-nature to protect yourself, but it's the best you'll get because no matter how much trouble an ex-staff has caused, we won't release their demotion reason to protect their privacy. If you made a mistake that upset a lot of people, would you like it broadcasted everywhere and everyone to judge you for it? I sure wouldn't. I think that's reasonable. Other than that, I don't know what else we're not exactly transparent about. We don't try and hide things from you.

    You think we're not trustworthy? Show me how we've shown that to you. Is this because you think we're biased? If so, message me who you think is and any evidence you have and I'll take a look. If you can't do that, then I don't know how we're not trustworthy. if this is in regards to a staff member griefing players, then I understand that you might not trust that staff. However, they were formally warned and we've made it a point to ensure it won't happen again with any staff in the future. I also want to point out that if you see staff not doing their jobs and don't report them, how do you expect us to fix that? They didn't get in trouble so they will continue to do it and we didn't see it so we won't know they aren't doing their jobs.

    I can only speak for myself but I never stop searching for ways to improve the staff team. I have a list right now that I've been working through since I received the admin position to improve the staff team. I remember even coming to you in particular asking for opinions and suggestions on how to improve the staff team. I can also say that I'm not biased towards my team because I don't even have a team, and how exactly do I avoid the answer and never help with problems if I go directly to you for answers and ways to help the problems?

    Schedule? What kind of schedule do you even mean? I don't even have a schedule in my life because nothing ever goes as expected. How would that even work? Also, imagine being accepted as a new Helper. "Welcome to the team. Now you must be active through the hours from 3PM-8PM every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. On Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, you need to extend those hours to 10PM." Does that sound right to you? I don't think so. Our schedule is moderate when you can and for as long as you can. That's fair. We are only volunteers after all. We give up our free time to moderate the server, so we shouldn't be expected to have to follow some kind of schedule of hours.

    No new additions? I'm not sure if you mean updatewise or staff-wise. One would think you mean staff-wise as this is a thread explaining why you hate staff. Although, then one would think that there are no new staff additions when that's false. In the past month we've recruited four new Helpers. If you mean no update additions, please refer to my second paragraph.

    I do apologize for this big rant but on every other thread bagging staff for being horrible, I simply take the criticisms and put them into improving the staff team. I'm still going to try to do that, but I just thought I should finally put my opinion on these types of threads out there. I also don't really care if you ignore me because I am simply writing this so that I can finally put my opinions and feelings out there for people to read how it feels to get these kinds of threads all the time from a staff's perspective. I also want to apologize if this is poorly structured, uses bad grammar or anything like that. I am just venting my thoughts on this thread as they are coming and I couldn't be bothered wasting more of my time on silly hate threads like this. This is simply a hate thread and now that I've put my opinion on it, I'm not going to waste my time replying to it again. I'm 100% willing to take on ideas and suggestions to improve the staff team and maybe if you hadn't had titled this "Why We Hate Staff." you would have received a more accepting and understanding response like I post on all threads that give us suggestions to improve on. Last thing, I know I used "I" a lot through out this post as I can only speak for myself, but I also know that a lot of other staff put in as much hard work as I do into improving the staff team and they don't deserve to have to read why we suck constantly either. So, my thread speaks for them as well. If you have any serious suggestions or reports, I'm happy to hear them. Thanks.
    "xhypurr, I was really expecting more from you"

    Yeah, I expected more from the staff when Mythical was added instead of something decent. I expected updates with some sort of timescale on them, bug fixes without delay.

    There is no <cohesion> if what you're saying is true. If you can't say, "hey. how about we work on *this, this, and this*", then what is the purpose of being in the staff team? Why is it so far delayed that a thread was made over A MONTH AFTER the bugs were found? Staff not reporting it, or ignorance?
    The point of the release date is to say, "well, we'll probably be done by sometime here, but most likely here", instead of just throwing it and hoping that one works, and THEN pushing it back two weeks at a time when you realize you haven't finished half the bugs.

    I want demotion reasons so I can be unbiased in the first place. Simply
    1) Ask the player in question if it's okay to give reason
    2) Create a thread before everyone starts raging
    3) Explain <with evidence> as to what happened.

    The players really are left in a situation where we're forced to trust you, and many don't.

    With all due respect, it's not my job to find people not doing their jobs. If I'm watching someone play video games instead of doing their job, I doubt I'd report them. The employer should be able to.

    This leads me to another point— staff inspections. You may or may not do this— and I don't know HOW you would do this– but it would be significantly easier to say "well, you're not doing your job well at all".
    Besides, if I had used my alt in the report, it would have certainly gotten perm muted.

    This post doesn't "bag" staff. This is literally the thoughts of a good deal of players. I've talked to a few of my personal friends who play TMD, and many of them agree with this post's contents. These are the reasons more and more are quitting, but nobody can see this. For some reason, we added skyblock instead.

    Regarding schedule, I just mean "we're doing this at this time", or "make sure you check X out on Y time, we're unveiling something new".

    With all due respect, if you feel bad because a few kids on the internet say you look like a 'downy', I really don't know how to help you. If you gotta get home at night and cry yourself to sleep because someone said you sucked at your job, I really don't know what's wrong there.

    My main point which really, really made me lose hope was Mythical. It was a *pure* cashgrab. I would say that 90% of people who bought ultimate packs got mythical, and they were $30-60 too. The issue is that it was significantly better than Titan, and it costed much less.

    "Oh, are you getting 4v1ed and your teammate is tagged? Just hide and /sz so you can run away with 4 more sets of scooped jugg!

    "Drop your spas in a fight? Hide and /shop, now you have 35!"

    "Have any low dura jugg? Not anymore! (Economy? What's that?)

    I'm not going to bother mentioning the absolute boatloads of things that were supposedly going to be added (but of course nobody tested it before saying anything).

    Go ahead. Don't reply to my "hate thread" (or anything that has on opinion, whoops). I don't care. The staff shot itself in the foot and it's not my job to bandage it. So don't. Let it bleed out and the playerbase with it. Have fun with that.


    Wobiee Wobiee
    I know that everyone is sick of the arguments on forums and to be frank it isn't getting us anywhere. Anywhere. I think we could do something along the lines of a voice chat in discord and everyone could have a say and sort it out. It would be a lot faster than a forums argument and it would hopefully get it all sorted out. If you think this is a decent idea just message me on discord (MythicalWobbley#9830) with A. Your perspective on the argument. B. A list of reasons behind this view. C. A time (with a timezone attached) that would work for you to join in on a call. If you don't have discord just message me on forums. Even if this didn't go ahead I would be more than happy to talk to players that had a concern with staff. ~MythicalWobbley


    purrr purrr
    I know that everyone is sick of the arguments on forums and to be frank it isn't getting us anywhere. Anywhere. I think we could do something along the lines of a voice chat in discord and everyone could have a say and sort it out. It would be a lot faster than a forums argument and it would hopefully get it all sorted out. If you think this is a decent idea just message me on discord (MythicalWobbley#9830) with A. Your perspective on the argument. B. A list of reasons behind this view. C. A time (with a timezone attached) that would work for you to join in on a call. If you don't have discord just message me on forums. Even if this didn't go ahead I would be more than happy to talk to players that had a concern with staff. ~MythicalWobbley
    xhypurr #7007

    discord me now I'm playing csgo but willing to talk


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    ..I don't know how to reply to that, your staffblow rant prompted some sort of reaction.

    I'm not replying to any of your points though, you're like roccogotmemes but worse
    Stating it doesn't make it true. I'm sorry you think that way, I can't change that, but it's just not the truth.



    Shallowing Shallowing
    I don't get it, if you're rude to someone you're accepted by some people but if you treat someone with respect and kindness it's suddenly bad?


    PeachDAboss PeachDAboss
    "xhypurr, I was really expecting more from you"

    Yeah, I expected more from the staff when Mythical was added instead of something decent. I expected updates with some sort of timescale on them, bug fixes without delay.

    There is no <cohesion> if what you're saying is true. If you can't say, "hey. how about we work on *this, this, and this*", then what is the purpose of being in the staff team? Why is it so far delayed that a thread was made over A MONTH AFTER the bugs were found? Staff not reporting it, or ignorance?
    The point of the release date is to say, "well, we'll probably be done by sometime here, but most likely here", instead of just throwing it and hoping that one works, and THEN pushing it back two weeks at a time when you realize you haven't finished half the bugs.

    I want demotion reasons so I can be unbiased in the first place. Simply
    1) Ask the player in question if it's okay to give reason
    2) Create a thread before everyone starts raging
    3) Explain <with evidence> as to what happened.

    The players really are left in a situation where we're forced to trust you, and many don't.

    With all due respect, it's not my job to find people not doing their jobs. If I'm watching someone play video games instead of doing their job, I doubt I'd report them. The employer should be able to.

    This leads me to another point— staff inspections. You may or may not do this— and I don't know HOW you would do this– but it would be significantly easier to say "well, you're not doing your job well at all".
    Besides, if I had used my alt in the report, it would have certainly gotten perm muted.

    This post doesn't "bag" staff. This is literally the thoughts of a good deal of players. I've talked to a few of my personal friends who play TMD, and many of them agree with this post's contents. These are the reasons more and more are quitting, but nobody can see this. For some reason, we added skyblock instead.

    Regarding schedule, I just mean "we're doing this at this time", or "make sure you check X out on Y time, we're unveiling something new".

    With all due respect, if you feel bad because a few kids on the internet say you look like a 'downy', I really don't know how to help you. If you gotta get home at night and cry yourself to sleep because someone said you sucked at your job, I really don't know what's wrong there.

    My main point which really, really made me lose hope was Mythical. It was a *pure* cashgrab. I would say that 90% of people who bought ultimate packs got mythical, and they were $30-60 too. The issue is that it was significantly better than Titan, and it costed much less.

    "Oh, are you getting 4v1ed and your teammate is tagged? Just hide and /sz so you can run away with 4 more sets of scooped jugg!

    "Drop your spas in a fight? Hide and /shop, now you have 35!"

    "Have any low dura jugg? Not anymore! (Economy? What's that?)

    I'm not going to bother mentioning the absolute boatloads of things that were supposedly going to be added (but of course nobody tested it before saying anything).

    Go ahead. Don't reply to my "hate thread" (or anything that has on opinion, whoops). I don't care. The staff shot itself in the foot and it's not my job to bandage it. So don't. Let it bleed out and the playerbase with it. Have fun with that.

    You once again fail to read. Updates and new things are not done by the Staff, it is done by the Owners. This post is essentially "Why we hate the Owners." And if you feel the need to create a post like this you might as well leave the server. Everything, Everything you're complaining about is not done by the Staff. Melody clearly stated that in her post, but I guess you didn't read.


    Juggie Juggie
    Yes staff do screw up sometimes and some staff really **** you off but some staff are working very hard for this server but even the staff that work hard are treated like crap some staff abuse there social spy like one time a JR mod who should not be named said someone's FULL name in chat!!! And I don't think that person was very happy they trusted /msg to be private but guess what it's not! I think that those staff who do that or all helpers possibly jr mods should be stripped of their social spy and maybe they can apply for it if they become more mature idk. But we should try to appreciate the staff who do work hard for us a little and most of us know who they are. The owners should also try being on more or the admins cuz last time I saw an admin on was when we had the original map and immortal and players would be less mad if admins and helpful staff were on!.


    purrr purrr
    You once again fail to read. Updates and new things are not done by the Staff, it is done by the Owners. This post is essentially "Why we hate the Owners." And if you feel the need to create a post like this you might as well leave the server. Everything, Everything you're complaining about is not done by the Staff. Melody clearly stated that in her post, but I guess you didn't read.
    I didn't "fail to read". You fail to comprehend what I wrote.

    There's nothing put in place for the devs or the players so that we know what's going on or have any sort of trust in them. Nothing is told to us, you don't give anybody direction, and don't bother to do anything to compensate the HUNDREDS of hours lost to lack of productivity. I refuse to reply to another incompetent staff who refuses to see a side besides their own.
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