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  • TMD PVP Update


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    why does it matter what the armor values are? as long as they are consistent across the server, only one element of pvp will be affected -painkillers spamming. so now the question is, are you good at pvp (like shooting, aiming, using terrain) or are you good at spamming pains. because if that is the case then you are good at healing, not pvp. so which is it?


    MuffinMyth MuffinMyth
    Why do you guys ruin everything after you guys do something good? Can't you guys just leave the server be?
    Everything before THIS update was almost perfect. I loved it. Yet, it's ruined once more. Thanks.
    That's exactly what I was thinking. Tmd was thriving before they did all these dumb updates.


    HooverVC HooverVC
    and further more. i have seen dozens of posts saying "jugg needs to be nerfed" "jugg is too op" "u cannot die in jugg". well it finally happens and this is the response? everyone who plays with others has to realize that updates are not meant to cater to a specific person or group. they are implemented to try to better the server as a whole. so if you have a problem with the update, post a way that you would fix it. that is like 90% of the reason a forums exists. so that staff can hear you're feedback and concerns as well as suggestions. now if you have a suggestion that you think would better the gameplay for the ENTIRE server and you believe we can implement it, by all means, post it. if you come to the forums to just spread hate on the staff team, please close this tab. i for one happen to enjoy working on the server. i do so on my own free time between college work and my job. so all i ask is that you take that into consideration before you post something-we are players too.
    mate.....think about what you just posted....of course we play the server. thats literally the only way we can staff the server. some of us take pride in our pvp skill. some of us suck at it (like me) staff are not chosen by their pvp skill so im not sure why thats relevant to you....
    One, how are you staff? I don't know about anyone else, but I took that as a tad bit disrespectful. The way you worded it seemed rude and immature, whether that's how you meant it or not. You can't even capitalize the beginning of your sentences and you give the impression that you're better than everyone else. Get over yourself. You're staff on a minecraft server.

    This update should've been thought through a bit more. KSG, GBar, military and other. It's crazy. Flaws have already been found and you're ranting about how people want to be catered to. No, people just need time to adjust, similar to the case with the painkiller switch. Before you act as immature as you are and act superior to the community, think. You are probably the most irritating staff member I've seen so far and this is the first time I've even heard of you.

    **I'm for the update, it just needs some fixes. It will grow on people similar to painkillers**


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    One, how are you staff? I don't know about anyone else, but I took that as a tad bit disrespectful. The way you worded it seemed rude and immature, whether that's how you meant it or not. You can't even capitalize the beginning of your sentences and you give the impression that you're better than everyone else. Get over yourself. You're staff on a minecraft server.

    This update should've been thought through a bit more. KSG, GBar, military and other. It's crazy. Flaws have already been found and you're ranting about how people want to be catered to. No, people just need time to adjust, similar to the case with the painkiller switch. Before you act as immature as you are and act superior to the community, think. You are probably the most irritating staff member I've seen so far and this is the first time I've even heard of you.

    **I'm for the update, it just needs some fixes. It will grow on people similar to painkillers**

    in answer to ur first question, i applied. to ur second point about how "respectful its worded" deal with it. i respond to what i see. in regards to my capitalization, i simply dont care to take the time to check my punctuation. and regarding " you give the impression that you're better than everyone else" in the post you quoted me on i literally say i suck at pvp so that point is null. "You're staff on a mine craft server." ok your a player on a mine craft server. whats you're point?

    and i dont even know what u meant by the entire second paragraph but ill try to address as best i can. ok as the first half is youre opinion regarding the update ill skip that. now this- "Before you act as immature as you are and act superior to the community, think. You are probably the most irritating staff member I've seen so far and this is the first time I've even heard of you."

    ok so you believe im "immature and irritating".duly noted.

    so its the first time you have heard of me?

    ok so ive been helper since december 26th 2017. i am rapidly approaching 4 hours of server time since sunday (as im in school and have a job, im fairly limited in my spare time for the time being)

    do you have any other points you wish to discuss with me? im all ears


    Twqntys Twqntys
    I haven’t been online yet, but I logged somewhere in full... Might wanna go and bank it once I get home.


    MichaelSteve MichaelSteve
    One, how are you staff? I don't know about anyone else, but I took that as a tad bit disrespectful. The way you worded it seemed rude and immature, whether that's how you meant it or not. You can't even capitalize the beginning of your sentences and you give the impression that you're better than everyone else. Get over yourself. You're staff on a minecraft server.

    Before you act as immature as you are and act superior to the community, think. You are probably the most irritating staff member I've seen so far and this is the first time I've even (or) heard of you.
    If that was disrespectful, half of the server would be warned. I don’t under stand how he was immature or disrespectful. He was voicing his opinions on a Minecraft forums page.

    For a matter of fact it seems you were disrespectful due to you attacking him while he is a staff member. Yes, you can criticize a staff member, but that’s different then calling them a immature and illiterate staff member.

    Staff members should be respected in a superior way. If he is acting superior, he is a staff member of the server. One who spends his time, his own time, making it a better place. You respect staff members. And a note to that, he even said himself he sucks at PVP and how he is bad. That sounds superior to me.

    Anyways, please respect staff members and if you have issues, report them to a higher staff and they can take it from there.

    -Just a lame person and not a builder.


    mindblaster007 mindblaster007
    One, how are you staff? I don't know about anyone else, but I took that as a tad bit disrespectful. The way you worded it seemed rude and immature, whether that's how you meant it or not. You can't even capitalize the beginning of your sentences and you give the impression that you're better than everyone else. Get over yourself. You're staff on a minecraft server.

    This update should've been thought through a bit more. KSG, GBar, military and other. It's crazy. Flaws have already been found and you're ranting about how people want to be catered to. No, people just need time to adjust, similar to the case with the painkiller switch. Before you act as immature as you are and act superior to the community, think. You are probably the most irritating staff member I've seen so far and this is the first time I've even heard of you.

    **I'm for the update, it just needs some fixes. It will grow on people similar to painkillers**
    Don't talk about my boi like that, he anything but what you said!!!


    JBentley694 JBentley694
    I'm most interested in the picture. The highway, I don't recognize that in Atlanta. Is this a new highway into Savannah? (I'm guessing Savannah because it is a new big-city area, well, close enough to 1, and since this highway isn't seen near Atlanta...)

    Season 2 highway scene. (RIP Sophia)


    Cactiee Cactiee
    Fix the ****ing rifles firing rate. Change it to old fire please 3 shots per click with Ak is op asf


    Kendrq Kendrq
    What happened to updating MW?
    Exactly! You guys said you were focusing on MW and it will be the next game updated?
    The Mine Wars update is still in the works, that's an update that requires more work/time than this small update. It will be released in time, just be patient.
    Now, as for everyone that's trashing on this new update, try giving it a chance maybe? It hasn't been released for even 24 hours yet. There's a few issues with it, but instead of crying and calling the update and staff stupid, give suggestions. Try contacting us and letting us know about the issues so we can get things dealt with. Unfortunately, we can't read something like "why do you guys ruin everything" and instantly be aware of every single bug that came along due to the changes that were implemented. So please just take a breather and let us know about bugs, and stop being such pessimists about every little thing we try to do for the server. The post also states that there will be a poll for opinions on this in a week's time, nothing about this update is set in stone. We're purposely trying to get your opinions on things.


    49ersfan77 49ersfan77
    I don't understand, Barretts for some reason for me don't register my shots...
    Same but I think it might only be in some certain areas cause it works in some and doesn't in others. Crizon and I found 1 spot for sure (in Atlanta on this one tower) but it might just be invisible barricades or something.


    Same but I think it might only be in some certain areas cause it works in some and doesn't in others. Crizon and I found 1 spot for sure (in Atlanta on this one tower) but it might just be invisible barricades or something.
    There definitely is one @Berx as well then
    saintsebastian saintsebastian
    Meh i have never cared for pvp systems. it's always the same. you run along and get unlucky enough to get sniped or shotgunned. the loser will always rage so matter how they died, and the winner will always spam chat with "gg ezpz"

    If you ask me what we really need is to buff zombie spawn rates. the game gave me a quest to go kill 25 walkers, and that took me 35 minutes to find them in some very popular areas.

    we could also use a tmd realism map that does not have gold or jugg, and no shops either. that's my 2 cents.