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  • Recent content by curiousgeorge341

    1. curiousgeorge341

      Person Asking for People's Phone Numbers...

      Hey everyone, Before I want to start by saying that I didn't want to make this forum post at all but seeing as how I posted my support ticket almost two weeks ago and it has received no reply I figured that I should make a more obvious forum post as this is a very serious problem and staff...
    2. curiousgeorge341

      Is Auto Clicking for Pains Bannable?

      Hey so I recently heard some people talking about how you can get pains easily by just having an auto click mod running while you're afk. Now I have never done this and wanted to check with staff to see if this is considered hacking. Thanks for reading :D
    3. curiousgeorge341

      Achievement System / Rewards

      Hey george here, So this idea has probably been suggested like 100 but I haven't seen it before so I figured I would just suggest it. So basically I know this server has been getting a lot of problems for being 'pay to win' so I was thinking a good way to combat this would be to add in an...
    4. curiousgeorge341

      Where do you report people?

      Hey so this is going to make me sounds like a noob but I can't find where I can report someone on the website. Does anyone know where I can do this?
    5. curiousgeorge341

      Different Textured Zombies?

      Hey so I was recently looking at some other zombie survival servers and I noticed that most of them tend to have multiple zombie textures. So yeah I was thinking it would be cool if there were like maybe 20 different zombie textures which randomly spawned.
    6. curiousgeorge341

      Landmines removed??

      Hey so I recently got on TMD after being off for several months and I was wondering if landmines were removed?