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    1. Jirache

      /chat for us roleplayers? Lol

      So, on other servers (if staff need to see them, message me and I can give the names/ips) They have a command called /chat. It can be used to turn global, local, etc. on and off. I think this could help the server because it's hard to roleplay when I keep seeing people with champion rank talking...
    2. Jirache

      Hiya, I'm Jirache!

      Hi there! I'm not very known on the server (I think) because I don't talk in global chat. You can find me on TMD-3, probably at Hilltop, if not I'm somewhere. I'm usually roleplaying (I know some people don't like it, your loss), or I'm looting random places and praying for good loot lol. I...