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    1. F

      Get rid of new rank!

      Hello, as you saw the title of the general discussion post you could see I said "Get rid of new rank" and as of what you might be puzzled. I am going to explain. So here at first I played the mining dead for about 1 year and liked it so much I got immortal and had a great experience and...
    2. F

      Bring back brooks!

      Hi, As the title mentioned I was saying to bring back brooks safe zone. As you know brooks electrical safe zone is on TMD currently but I was just wondering if you could change it back and even though it is the old one and it is probbally deleted if you could build MallowBride than you can build...
    3. F

      TMD Rank Names.

      Hello, I had an idea for the server that the ranks could get changed back from champion to hardcore and legend to elite and titan to immortal. Honestly I dislike the rank names a lot So if you could change it that would be great!