• IP Copied!
  • 5 years, 5 years of amazing memories.


    hybu hybu
    I'm sick of all the sappy stuff of people quitting. I've been playing since late 2014, and let me just say the days when there was a queue to get into TMD - 1 was the time to be alive. Recently I've been banned for auto clicking and I'm not going to deny it. When you have been playing the server for 5 years (I quit for a couple months in 2017 & 2018) it gets to a point where it's painfully boring, along with the fact that all my friends quit and moved on. The past 2 years were the hardest, despite all of the horrible updates I tried my best to ignore them due to my love for the server. But when the staff began ruining the server and I got bored I chose to begin using a macro. After 6 months of using a macro, I was caught. To be honest, Idk if I'm gonna appeal, just like the rest it's my time to move on. From McFazio2001 being there for me to Jahango never missing a shot, it's my turn. To the owners, keep this amazing server up, I might come back.

    Peace ツ


    Active member
    JT900 JT900
    They were hacking and causing tons of players to quit because of it. If anything this is good, maybe staff will actually crack down on closeters instead of doing ****all.
    I had applied for Helper not too long ago. Provided I do get it, I can actually stop the hackers I catch.
    And no, I'm not saying I'm solely going to do it. That's impossible. But I will do as much as I can against players of their caliber.


    UterZorker UterZorker
    They were hacking and causing tons of players to quit because of it. If anything this is good, maybe staff will actually crack down on closeters instead of doing ****all.
    this server used to be much much better. I remember those days its said they're gone. Its because of salt like that the server died.