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  • _Nickk

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    DeleteThisAcc DeleteThisAcc
    As some of you may have noticed the other day _Nickks name disappeared from the staff page.
    I'm sure some of the newer players may not even know who this is and some older ones may not like him for "abandoning" the server but whatever your stance is on his resignation the fact is that he helped raise this server from nothing. From a would be creative server to the most popular walking dead server Nick was there through it all putting in countless hours week end and out for the betterment of the server. I for one personally thank you Nick for all the memories and friendships I've been able to make due to your creative vision for this server and community and the time you've invested in that vision to see it through. I have full confidence that Jacobg1998 and IgnitingIce will be able to raise this server back up to what it once was but even after the server inevitably dies the memories will not so once again, thank you and I wish you the best of luck with whatever you choose to do next.
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    seuboi seuboi
    It's truly sad that we're even losing more and more staff. I have faith that they might realize how to focus on some solid ideas.
    This is not a flame but I can't help to just spit it out: All these fuzz about the lack of communication and we only see it through your post? I expected him to post it, share his thoughts. I'd not even care if it was a locked thread (to avoid hate), but I feel a lack of touch to the community that... gosh, nvm. Godspeed and may he succeed in his next projects


    Yove Yove
    It's almost as if he's trying to start stuff... Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I found it out the day after I asked... use your head. You don’t use it to often.

    Still, nick should have made a statement, as he was an owner, he shouldn’t of had someone else mention his leave to the server for him.


    DeleteThisAcc DeleteThisAcc
    Ihe shouldn’t of had someone else mention his leave to the server for him.
    He didn't have me "mention it for him", I mentioned it because I respected him and felt that he deserved to have his accomplishments recognized. Even after his 4+ years of work for the server you still try to find something to critique in his not making a statement of his own. I can't believe anyone would fault him for deciding to humbly leave and not draw attention to the other owners who are already being bashed on throughout the forums most of which by you and your hate filled opinions. I've seen one too many threads ruined by your toxicity and constant complaining so do the community a favor and leave this one alone.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    He didn't have me "mention it for him", I mentioned it because I respected him and felt that he deserved to have his accomplishments recognized. Even after his 4+ years of work for the server you still try to find something to critique in his not making a statement of his own. I can't believe anyone would fault him for deciding to humbly leave and not draw attention to the other owners who are already being bashed on throughout the forums most of which by you and your hate filled opinions. I've seen one too many threads ruined by your toxicity and constant complaining so do the community a favor and leave this one alone.
    Preach it, Valp.


    Yove Yove
    Preach it, Valp.
    He didn't have me "mention it for him", I mentioned it because I respected him and felt that he deserved to have his accomplishments recognized. Even after his 4+ years of work for the server you still try to find something to critique in his not making a statement of his own. I can't believe anyone would fault him for deciding to humbly leave and not draw attention to the other owners who are already being bashed on throughout the forums most of which by you and your hate filled opinions. I've seen one too many threads ruined by your toxicity and constant complaining so do the community a favor and leave this one alone.

    No, public thread, ty.
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