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  • Banned Apology


    New member
    Some of you may know me. Others not so much. But as most of you all know, I Duped. I really did know it was bad. I know that i should have not done it. But _Nickk here is my apology to you. I will be explaining how all of it happens and how you would do this glitch. So I was getting back into TMD after a long break of it. I didnt have much gear because i thought i would never play again. But when i got on i wanted gear. So i decided to begin a search with a friend of mine. The Glitch worked with 2 people. So one would need to do the following with a duffle in there hand. (right click+Q) cuasing the GUI of the duffle to appear on screen but the duffle to appear in front of you. Then your mate could claim the duffle and would need to throw the gear on the ground for you. That is it. _Nickk Bann me not my team. I found the glitch out. I Did something wrong. The only reason we cont. to do this glitch was because it made the game more fun. Maybe In the future have a server like hell night but make it like tmd and make all gear free. so we can have fun with the intense jugg wars. _Nickk I know wont be getting unbanned. I just want to know i have your forgiveness.


    BluDucc BluDucc
    Your so badddd. But if it was you who had your team do the glitch UNKNOWINGLING they should not be punished. If they knew what was going on then yes, they should be punished as well.


    New member
    I would like to congratulate every member of Myth and say I'm proud of you all, we fought hard through months of tough battles, we always played extremely legit with no hackers, but eventually slipped up once and it costed us. I will remember all of you as brothers and sisters and wish you good luck in the future.. Thankyou Tmd for giving me the ability to do this and I accept the consequence we have received... GoodBye -Kyorashi 08/12/16.


    New member
    I would like to congratulate every member of Myth and say I'm proud of you all, we fought hard through months of tough battles, we always played extremely legit with no hackers, but eventually slipped up once and it costed us. I will remember all of you as brothers and sisters and wish you good luck in the future.. Thankyou Tmd for giving me the ability to do this and I accept the consequence we have received... GoodBye -Kyorashi 08/12/16.
    GoodBye Myth. ~Space


    BluDucc BluDucc
    I would like to congratulate every member of Myth and say I'm proud of you all, we fought hard through months of tough battles, we always played extremely legit with no hackers, but eventually slipped up once and it costed us. I will remember all of you as brothers and sisters and wish you good luck in the future.. Thankyou Tmd for giving me the ability to do this and I accept the consequence we have received... GoodBye -Kyorashi 08/12/16.
    Thank you so much for ignoring me when I asked to join xD you saved my with your rudeness
    Kind of a shame all you glitch abusers are banned... You were my best source of getting jugg armor because you all were not very good with it.
    But at the same time you got what you deserved. GG


    New member
    Ok, your apology does seem sincere. I appreciate that you made it to clear some things up, but you should not have done what you did. The economy is pretty bad right now and we might be seeing a reset in the near future (something I would like actually)
    Yes I know. We all really need a reset.


    New member
    I would like to congratulate every member of Myth and say I'm proud of you all, we fought hard through months of tough battles, we always played extremely legit with no hackers, but eventually slipped up once and it costed us. I will remember all of you as brothers and sisters and wish you good luck in the future.. Thankyou Tmd for giving me the ability to do this and I accept the consequence we have received... GoodBye -Kyorashi 08/12/16.
    Yeah thanks TMD for letting me meet some very amazing people.Yeah Man it was fun I wont forget the fun times all of us had. :) Our team will be remembered as legends and I wish all you guys luck. It was fun fighting beside you guys. -Peace- BigMikeJ23 8/12/2016


    Pawndah Pawndah
    space_bae give me proof m8 that i "money glitched" i scammed people in game... IN GAME for crying out loud... it wasn't bannable. for the 100th time why r u believing a duper ...


    New member
    space_bae give me proof m8 that i "money glitched" i scammed people in game... IN GAME for crying out loud... it wasn't bannable. for the 100th time why r u believing a duper ...
    Dont call me "m8" i dont like you. Also scamming people 1mil at a time? yea legit!