• IP Copied!
  • Coming Back :D


    Qizu Qizu

    With my name change some may not know but its Stryax! I used to staff this server for nearly 7 months. I have decided that it is time to come back. If you see me in-game you will see I have the "Builder" rank. I will be working hard on some MW projects for future updates.

    About Me: I am 15 and in February I will turn 16. I enjoy competing in public speaking and love spending time with friends at school. I love getting on this server when I can and help in anyway possible. You can check out my past builds with Https://divorceb.carbonmade.com I look forward to seeing some of you on the server and if you need help you can always message me here!


    Creative Team
    Rejante Rejante
    Welcome back Stryax! I vaguely remember your name, but from what I do remember you were a good staff member. Hope to see you around the build servers. Also, your builds look amazing! But what can I say, I'm just a meer trial builder at this time. Nonetheless, glad to have you back.


    Qizu Qizu
    Welcome back Stryax! I vaguely remember your name, but from what I do remember you were a good staff member. Hope to see you around the build servers. Also, your builds look amazing! But what can I say, I'm just a meer trial builder at this time. Nonetheless, glad to have you back.
    Thank you!