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  • Dead Server

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    Slimme Slimme
    Many players say the server isn't dead, yet it is. The server use to get roughly 600-800 players daily, now it's 100-200 players daily.

    Here's a YT video of someone having 1million subs and 350k views on it of a video of tmd. Servers Dead.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    That video you posted... is that even the Havoc TMD? I've never seen those sound effects or text above loot bags..

    Also, how's this proving the server is dead?


    49ersfan77 49ersfan77
    Many players say the server isn't dead, yet it is. The server use to get roughly 600-800 players daily, now it's 100-200 players daily.

    Here's a YT video of someone having 1million subs and 350k views on it of a video of tmd. Servers Dead.
    I don't think you can call a server getting triple digit people online every day is "dead". It might not be at its peak at the moment but it definetely isn't dead.


    Tqns Tqns
    "200" players. I was on last week and there were 2 people on TMD1, me and my friend and there were no people on the other TMD servers. That's dead lmfao.


    UterZorker UterZorker
    a lot of old players are coming back to and if you want an example look no further! plus 200 players at one time throughout the full day probably 2 to 3 thousand. Finally you must remember that online minecraft is slowly dying.


    Kyritic Kyritic
    I didn’t ask for salty kids to reply

    I hate to use the urban dictionary but its the most reliable source of the word salty in the context you used it in


    I guess you could make the argument we are bitter and have resentment towards the argument "the server is dead" and the people making it. I can't really disagree with that but context matters. But don't you also hold that same type of bitterness or same type of resentment towards the 'dying' server? If you believe no, You're incorrect that's exactly what you have, And if you admit yes, Why? We have a reason for our resentment, We are tired of our work being shat upon whilst you could simply walk away from the server removing the issue you have created entirely. You say you didn’t ask for salty kids to reply but that's exactly what a 'forum' is, a discussion where both points of views can and are able to reply. By posting this post you did exactly that, ask for anyone with an opinion on the topic to reply. Just cause we disagree doesn't make us "salty".
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