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  • [Discussion Topic] TMD & Balanced PvP - Why it's so hard to achieve.


    seuboi seuboi
    My personal opinion without reading your essay that I've been too lazy to read is this:

    TMD classic will be a thing, and we want Pvp balanced. Let certain TMD servers have jugg, and others without. TMD-3 and 4 should be allowed jugg, not fair to them that jugg is removed when they don't pvp at all. The player base has mixed opinions about jugg, and keeping it or removing it would do harm no matter the choice. With that in mind, give them a choice. Do you want to pvp with jugg, go on TMD____. Want to play legit, go on the other pvp TMD. Of course it's easier said than done, but it's a thought to consider.

    Wouldn't this make the servers less and less crowded by dividing the actual players in more different styles?