• IP Copied!
  • Give us our full monthly bonus. NOW


    tbh I thought we got five legendary crates...
    I guess it's just getting nerfed more and more


    Nekophysix Nekophysix
    You should really have been aware of what you were purchasing when you bought it. The rank has details written with it to inform you of what you are buying. It clearly states what perks and monthly bonuses you would be receiving. If you weren't satisfied with what you would be receiving, you shouldn't have bought the rank. Everything was outlined and detailed for you to make your decision. I understand your frustration, but you really should have read what you would be receiving with the rank. We didn't say that you needed to buy the rank. Buying it was your decision, and you should have known what you would be getting in return as the information was there for you. That's how it is fair.
    i want to point out that somethings that even thou advertised on the rank are not usable or are broken eg. /back or /condense so until you guys fix that maybe it can also be considered as false advertising, so i knew what exactly what i was getting however the server did not deliver them.
    So I logged on today to claim my monthly bonus after I was rudly temp banned by Wildfur. I set up recording software, and start recording. I claim my bonus and it only gives me 3 crates. And, I only got a set of half jugg from it. That is not fair. I payed good money for this rank and I want what I payed for. 6 crates a month isn't op. So, I expect that in the next server restart that I have ALL my crates, or else I'm quiting.
    as for you please do check your facts and even thou you bought your rank so did many other people and we (titan ranked people) are not complaining.
    Derpy_Warrior Derpy_Warrior
    I have only one comment everything else I am fine with we should get more then 3 creates because most of us are only opening Those creates for money and infinite money anyway but I have gotten some pretty trashy loot in legendary creates such as norm crossbow norm michetie riot chest and my expectation is about jugg golden wepions and good amounts of money please remove some of the possible voting create loot from legendary crates a also want to state is and entire mouth a whole 30 days out of a year that's a vary long time and it feels longer to me because of school