Today I have a pretty cool idea that lots of people will play. It combines quite a few gamemodes, and adds a twist. This would be Tmd Hardcore. There would be no safezones, no jugg, no legend weapons, and echests would be hard to find. (Kinda like tmd barebones that has been mentioned) Also, there will be a lot more walkers and the walkers will be stronger. Maybe even npc humans that you have to fight to? But here is a big twist. WHEN YOU DIE, YOU GET TEMP BANNED FROM THAT SERVER! This would simulate actually dying. It would not be a server wide temp ban, it would only be a temp ban from tmd hardcore. Maybe for like an hour? This would be like what the walking dead really is. It would be almost as realistic as you can get. But, I'm not done yet with ideas. Medkits and Pains would be nerfed even more, because it isn't fair if someone looted a hospital and you barret them and then they are able to pain away. Irl, a single barret shot would kill you. SO HERES MY IDEA. When you get shot, you have less max health. You would start with more max health then normal though. When zombies attack you it can also go down. The more powerful the gun, the more max health you lose. BUT, maybe if you find hospitals you can regen the health you lost? Idk. Anyways, I think this would be the most realistic tmd that requires the most skill. Thank you for reading