
House House Contest
I'd like to start off by thanking everyone who participated in our Haunted House Building Contest. With so many great submissions, it was almost impossible to narrow it down to our top ten favorites. That being said, there were a few maps that stood out among the rest. Without further ado, here are the winners.
1st Place: Happy-Halloween by NotARndm
2nd Place: HauntedHouseByZero by Zero_105
3rd Place: Minebyhitthebrick by Hitthebrick
4th Place: Hauntedmeme by by Sharp717
5th Place: HauntedMansion by DaReff
6th Place: CaravanMansion by ApesNotMonkeyz
7th Place: HauntedHouse666 by sven_svenou
8th Place: yanderestatue by kaeg_le_piegeur
9th Place: HalloweenHouse by SnowyKitty_
10th Place: YaBoiShiho by ShihoKimizuki
Once again, thank you to everyone who participated, and be sure to check out all the winning maps with /map (mapname) on the Map Maker server (/server mm-1).
Mine Wars
Mine Wars is nearly ready for an open Beta. You can expect to see it by Saturday (November 5th).
That's all for this update. Be sure to stay tuned for more updates, and have a happy Halloween!
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