With all due respect, the job of a Helper is to moderate chat and help players. They can record and report hackers to the higher staff so we can check and/or deal with the hackers as that is part of our job. Your next statement might include something along the lines of "But I never
see any higher staff online, so they never do their job" but we have perms to go invisible and check hackers; we do this a lot and that's why you never "see" us. You can report hackers you see and we will view the report and watch that player. Sometimes irl situations will pop up as well and we won't be able to pop on for that moment, we have school, etc. You can also use /helpop if you ever see a hacker, but please do not spam it. Moreover, you are able to privately and politely message a Helper asking them if they are able to get higher staff on due to a hacker. Helpers can technically tempban, though their job is not to deal with hackers. Sometimes people may think someone is hacking, and it turns out they get falsely banned by a Helper and that's not fun for anyone. The point though, Helpers have their rank for a reason; they 'help' and moderate chat.
Once they are ready to be promoted, they become a Jr Mod and catch hackers. If we promoted someone one day and allowed them perms of banning people, things could go haywire. No disrespect to Helpers, they are doing a spectacular job as of now and I am personally impressed with their activity, constant reports of hackers, and more. They are doing their job and we do ours, sometimes we just can't get online
at that moment. I will also mention that we deal with reports and appeals, along with getting on to watch and/or ban players whether it be hacking, severe advertising, ddoss threats, etc.
~Katitude ^v^