
Hello HavocMC!
So lately I've been contemplating the difficulty regarding players knowing what is valid evidence for support tickets, how to gain valid evidence, appeal creations, tips and more. I will also include small details to include the best service and please ask any questions in chat that I will be able to answer for you.
1. Player Reports.
Player Reports can vary from player suspicion of movement/pvp hacks, chat rules, and more. When filing a support ticket, (Starting with chat rules first
) numerous players have been told nasty or disrespectful statements or accusations; breaking chat rules. Unfortunately we are unable to do anything about these players in your ticket unless evidence is concluded. If you prefer taking screenshots, F2 is usually the default command to take a screenshot, though since I'm unfamiliar with a mac, you are able to view information about screenshoting here: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Screenshot. Links where a screenshot can be attatched includes..
Lightshot: http://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html (Must be downloaded)
Gyazo: (Must be downloaded) https://gyazo.com/download?dl=now
Imgur: http://imgur.com/
Regular screenshot (In Minecraft) and attaching the file to the report, which may be unreliable at moments.
To take a screenshot of your monitor: Ctrl + prt sc
In regards to suspicion of players hacking, I will go into depth and attempt to cover as much as possible.
You can setup a YouTube account and a recording software to gain full, valid evidence of a player hacking. (You can use Bandicam 'quick and easy', OBS, Fraps etc; there are tutorials on YouTube if you are unaware of how to download a recording system) We are aware that recording is our job and HavocMC staff record all the time, though for the moments when we are unavailable, this will benefit not only you, but everyone who is being challenged by a rule breaker. I will note that someone who admits to hacking is not valid evidence and screenshots of someone hacking is not valid unless a hacker is visibly and perceptibly using the flight command. Yet again, screenshots may apply to other situations such as gate killing, but only if it is evident and clear.
2. Bug Reports.
Bug report formatting is basic from what I can conclude. Title the glitch accordingly, give a brief description of the bug, how this bug was discovered (Optional) and if possible, a YouTube video; please do not endeavor to discover glitches as others may perceive you to be intentionally "abusing" a glitch.
3. Payment Issues.
This isn't quite my department, except providing validation is simple. When purchasing items, I would recommend always taking screenshots of purchase in case of emergency. When constructing a ticket under payment issues, that is the perfect opportunity to include evidence of purchase to make it easier for the items/purchase to be distributed to you quickly. Provide the username, proof of purchase, the date purchased, and you should be set up. If your purchase does not follow through within 1-3 hours maximum, be sure to restart your Minecraft, refresh your server page, and any other way to ensure you attempted every way to gain the order you placed a payment on. Sometimes the purchase may take longer than expected and you created a ticket when unnecessary.
3. Player Appeals.
When generating a player appeal, this will always be different based on how you type, what act was committed for such a serious punishment and the criteria fit for an unban/unmute. I'm not going to give a tutorial on how to appeal as that's me doing it for you. What I will say, be sure to always remain polite, use proper grammar unless physically incapable of doing so, and be 100% truthful otherwise matters will be worse. If you are not guilty, you are free to defend yourself, however that would require not arguing and having valid points to show innocence. (This will happen occasionally as everyone makes mistakes ^v^) If you are guilty, scrutinize what act you have committed, how this will be prevented in the future, what you will do to stop this again, and add a great amount of detail; if you would like to be unbanned, it is common sense to put effort into something that will revoke a punishment. For bans such as inappropriate skin/name, you will remain banned with no exceptions unless your skin/name is changed; be wary as the 30 day name change will not give you a reason to remain on the server for a name that is not tolerated.
I dearly hope this benefited players and as stated, please do not hesitate to ask any respectful/relevant questions regarding support tickets to give you an easier time filing reports/appeals. If you have any concerns that is uncomfortable posting here, you are also able to privately message me on the forums and I can take it from there. Please keep this positive and have a fantastic day!
Yours Respectfully,
So lately I've been contemplating the difficulty regarding players knowing what is valid evidence for support tickets, how to gain valid evidence, appeal creations, tips and more. I will also include small details to include the best service and please ask any questions in chat that I will be able to answer for you.
1. Player Reports.
Player Reports can vary from player suspicion of movement/pvp hacks, chat rules, and more. When filing a support ticket, (Starting with chat rules first
Lightshot: http://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html (Must be downloaded)
Gyazo: (Must be downloaded) https://gyazo.com/download?dl=now
Imgur: http://imgur.com/
Regular screenshot (In Minecraft) and attaching the file to the report, which may be unreliable at moments.
To take a screenshot of your monitor: Ctrl + prt sc
In regards to suspicion of players hacking, I will go into depth and attempt to cover as much as possible.
You can setup a YouTube account and a recording software to gain full, valid evidence of a player hacking. (You can use Bandicam 'quick and easy', OBS, Fraps etc; there are tutorials on YouTube if you are unaware of how to download a recording system) We are aware that recording is our job and HavocMC staff record all the time, though for the moments when we are unavailable, this will benefit not only you, but everyone who is being challenged by a rule breaker. I will note that someone who admits to hacking is not valid evidence and screenshots of someone hacking is not valid unless a hacker is visibly and perceptibly using the flight command. Yet again, screenshots may apply to other situations such as gate killing, but only if it is evident and clear.
2. Bug Reports.
Bug report formatting is basic from what I can conclude. Title the glitch accordingly, give a brief description of the bug, how this bug was discovered (Optional) and if possible, a YouTube video; please do not endeavor to discover glitches as others may perceive you to be intentionally "abusing" a glitch.
3. Payment Issues.
This isn't quite my department, except providing validation is simple. When purchasing items, I would recommend always taking screenshots of purchase in case of emergency. When constructing a ticket under payment issues, that is the perfect opportunity to include evidence of purchase to make it easier for the items/purchase to be distributed to you quickly. Provide the username, proof of purchase, the date purchased, and you should be set up. If your purchase does not follow through within 1-3 hours maximum, be sure to restart your Minecraft, refresh your server page, and any other way to ensure you attempted every way to gain the order you placed a payment on. Sometimes the purchase may take longer than expected and you created a ticket when unnecessary.
3. Player Appeals.
When generating a player appeal, this will always be different based on how you type, what act was committed for such a serious punishment and the criteria fit for an unban/unmute. I'm not going to give a tutorial on how to appeal as that's me doing it for you. What I will say, be sure to always remain polite, use proper grammar unless physically incapable of doing so, and be 100% truthful otherwise matters will be worse. If you are not guilty, you are free to defend yourself, however that would require not arguing and having valid points to show innocence. (This will happen occasionally as everyone makes mistakes ^v^) If you are guilty, scrutinize what act you have committed, how this will be prevented in the future, what you will do to stop this again, and add a great amount of detail; if you would like to be unbanned, it is common sense to put effort into something that will revoke a punishment. For bans such as inappropriate skin/name, you will remain banned with no exceptions unless your skin/name is changed; be wary as the 30 day name change will not give you a reason to remain on the server for a name that is not tolerated.
I dearly hope this benefited players and as stated, please do not hesitate to ask any respectful/relevant questions regarding support tickets to give you an easier time filing reports/appeals. If you have any concerns that is uncomfortable posting here, you are also able to privately message me on the forums and I can take it from there. Please keep this positive and have a fantastic day!
Yours Respectfully,