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  • ims bored, story time.


    Creative Team
    Rejante Rejante
    I have a lot of time on my hands, so, STORY TIME!
    TMD was fun for me, when I first joined, I stared in amazement at the relics which you old players would know about, and are probably extremely mad about, le old map. I spawned into Alexandria, my most-likely-disappeared friend, DotSlashDabOnMe, with his fancy, light blue Immortal rank. He dropped me half jug and a bag full of gear. I happily consumed all of the gear, and with my professional skills, I proceeded to spam the front gate until I saw a zombie.. These 3D textures fascinated me, I puled out my M9, not noticing the Barrett 50 Cal in my 5th slot in my hotbar. I then had a brief fight in which ended up in me amputating my leg and being completely confused with me regrowing my non-exsisten limb with the orange pills, we knew as Antibiotics. Months later, Mine Wars came out, I was what I thought was good at TMD, but I didn't even know who dadhango was yet. It was the New TMD. Non-spammable pains had rid Havoc of many players. I had found refuge in the team with the initials RW. We dominated. Damn, all these times are messed up, well, anyways. When I first got my rank, it was a VIP rank which I had earned from my first Map Maker map, placing at 10th place, t'was an aircraft carrier. I opened my VIP monthly on TMD, hoping for the sweet goodies that we now know as the rage-enducing-what-the-hell-why-is-this-so-op weapons, but as a bored TMD-4 player all I found, were some bad guns plus some jug, plus some goodies like a gbar. After the endless fun and torture of the grind of our beloved Hell Night, I started to rack up those skulls, the sweets that my team carried me to get. 5000 skulls later, the Dark-green font, that I always wished to open as a noob. I opened it. What I got was the present-day standard Legendary crate loot that all you Titans are infuriated about with your monthlies.. The, Barbed Wired Bat, the random gun, and the useless Golden Desert Eagle. -Old TMD I met a familiar name, the kektus I know as Gifd and a few other memes from a server in which I apparently do not have the right to reference without getting forum banned. Anyways, most of the people have been declared M.I.A because I'm too lazy to search for them. So back to RW times. MonFierre had bought me Immortal, right before the non-spamable TMD. Thx mon ;d. Anyways, after a dramatic civil war within my team, RW kicked a few players, then disbanded itself. Feelsbadman. I then quit TMD then joined in on Map Maker, then I started to apparently turn myself, plus my builds into living memes.
    I ******** identify as an aircraft carrier. [insert copy pasta meme here]
    After months of long-hard work and 5 builder applications, I think, my builder app was rejected due to "not looking for TMD builders atm" not the exact wording, but I'm too lazy to copy and paste on my iPad. I hate this autocorrect. My aircraft carriers evolved into something only describable as,
    "wtf how did you do this" according to about everyone who saw it. Anyways, this was about our current TMD at this time when I started to appear every now and then to try the o-gawd I hate this but love it painkillers. I proceeded to jump out of Berx forgetting my Barrett, spas, pains, riot helmet, katana, and possibly everything else. I attempt to flee in my half Jugg in which I forgot I was wearing. So, I get tapped, then die, ofc I die. Then, this basically brings me to our latest contest the MW Outposts contest. Which confused me hugely whilst building a Mustafar. Our competition was pretty good. Anziety and MichaelSteve were my two builders with me. Michael made everything look fancy, and did a hella job at it, and Anziety detailed all of the builds. Thx and gr8 work to both of them. I also congratulate all the other memes in the competition. 10/10 job I will see your maps when I appear back sometime this weekend. I received my voucher which apparently was 25$/50$ because apparently my voucher was only 50$ according to the forum post which was made with all the voucher costs after the contest was over. Alongside the 25$ an offer that would bring me into the build team discord and making me a mine wars builder. I accepted the offer then started to build on le build-1 which basically is map maker, with no players, I might just leave it at Map Maker because they have basically the same amounts of people on at the same time. Anyways that leaves me here. Stranded somewhere called road island or something, or was it Rhode? Idk probably the second one.
    rejante is bek in canada

    Notable players on my journey.
    Staff team. Celmaibunpilot, ArmenTheHeli, DDENGAR, Kyritic, Gifd, Anziety, Dad_8, MichaelSteve, Bulleteater, DotSlashDead (DotSlashDabOnMe), Nafsu, and anyone else who played TMD with me and built with me, I'm probably forgetting like, 30 other people. Owel, I'm too lazy to remember anything right now. Seeya.
    Rejante out
    Vanishes In Smoke
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    Al_Cool Al_Cool
    Wow that is quite a thread! I may create a summary later, I just din't have time to read it all yet.
    Edit : ... Sad, true and frustrating!
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