
Hello everyone!
Starting this month, we’ll be posting monthly forum posts that will keep the community up-to-date about recent or upcoming changes to the Havoc Games Network. Have fun reading!
Network Updates
Max and I have been promoted from CTA Game Managers to (Network) Managers. This means we will take on new responsibilities regarding the communication with the community and the overall representation of Havoc Games. We will make sure our games run smoothly and receive regular updates. We are also putting a big focus on transparency, with these posts being part of that. Of course, we will also continue to work on CTA!
Top VotersWe thank you all for voting - as always, the top voters will receive a reward.
The top voters of May are:
1st Place - Pogrebokk
2nd Place (Tied) - Zxero1
2nd Place (Tied) - MzOreo
4th Place - Balds
5th Place - JBo88
6th Place - reinbby
7th Place - Echneis
8th Place - _SSirius_
9th Place - Weeed
10th Place (Tied) - LoKo_Spirit
10th Place (Tied) - pbc_hype
You can claim your voucher reward by sending a DM to Gemma#0224 on Discord.
Staff Applications
Do you want to get involved in the creation of our gamemodes? Then you should think about joining our wonderful staff team. The following positions are currently open:
Towny Build Team -
Moderation Team -
Gamemode Updates
Craft Theft Auto
In June, we released the Star Wars Crates and the Law and Order update, which added new vehicles and other content, like the ability to play as a police officer and a jail system.
The changelog is quite long- you can read more about these changes in the #announcements channel on our discord. We highly recommend you check it out!

Lastly, we have also hosted a PvP event- the winners of that were:
#1 - Crittts
#2 - 195snoopy
#3 - AE_Lazer
Thank you all for participating, we hope you enjoy the prizes! If you didn’t get to participate, don’t worry- we’ll be hosting more events like this in the future. Keep an eye out!
The Mining Dead
Minor bug fixes have been implemented throughout the last month. Behind the scenes, the team is working hard on bringing back weekly wars. Besides this, Max has also started to take on more of a manager role regarding TMD, with his goal being to once again have updates, crates, and supply drops released more consistently on TMD.
The May22 Crate was released at the beginning of May, which included the new and exclusive Jedi Armor Set. With this new set came the bonus of being able to summon a poison cloud around you after being attacked, damaging your enemies. And finally introducing the first telepathy-like tools referencing back from Towny Earth, which will hopefully be seen as an actual custom enchantment soon.
Finally, don't forget, if you would like to be more involved in the Towny production, TheJoeEnder is looking for builders!
That’s it for this post - see you next month!
PS: We’re still looking for a catchy name for these monthly update posts, so if you can think of a good one, don’t hesitate to tell us!
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