
Heyo everybody. In anticipation of the reset I decided to collate all my best looting spots to help you get ahead of the game. This list is definitely not exhaustive so if you have any spots for me to add, hit me up on discord at Wobiee#9830.
Alexandria Armory Room
Coordinates: X: 1855, Y: 74, Z: -2200
The Alexandria armory room has the smallest amount of loot on this list but is by far the safest. Clocking in at around 10 police/military bags it's a good bet for beginners. You can reach this room by warping to Alexandria or by travelling from the closest safezone (berxley safehaven) and following a compass to Alexandria. Adjust your coordinates until you reach the room.
There are some more bags in the back room.
Woodbury Armory Room
Coordinates: X: -970, Y: 75, Z: -1180
The Woodbury armory room has around double the loot of the Alexandria room clocking in at around 20 police/military bags. You can reach this room by warping to Woodbury or travelling from the closest safezone (Travelier Safezone) and following a compass to Woodbury. Adjust your coordinates until you reach the room.
Coordinates: X: 800, Z: -1300
The carnival is by far the most dangerous place to loot on this list. Walkers are present in decent numbers and bandits frequent this area. In exchange for this danger however, police and military bags are plentiful, in numbers upwards of 30 bags. These can be found spread-out over the complex. The carnival is a little trickier to get to compared to the past two rooms. The best bet is to start at hilltop, either by warping there or by travelling from the closest safezone (berxley safehaven) and following a compass. After this, go south from the Hilltop with F3 open and adjust your coordinates until you reach the carnival.
Quite a few bags in this portion of the carnival, a lot more around the rest of the complex. Watch out for sneeki banditos
Secret Atlanta Loot Rooms
Entrance Coordinates: X: 1080, Y: 90, Z: 745
Loot Room 1 Coordinates: X: 1070, Y: 110, Z: 750
Loot Room 2 Coordinates: X: 1050, Y: 100, Z: 760
The Atlanta loot rooms are by far the hardest to get to out of all the places on this list. Some parkour is involved and the use of barricades is very helpful. Not to mention that it is fairly dangerous. There are hordes of walkers and they have been known to inhabit the building that the loot rooms are located in. It is by far the most plentiful spot though. Within the entire building there is upwards of 40 police/military bags compactly packed. The easiest way to get to the entrance is to warp to Atlanta or travel there from the closest safezone (berxley safehaven.) Once you reach Atlanta, open up your F3 and adjust your coordinates until you reach the entrance. From this point, I recommend watching my guide on how to get to the two loot rooms. This can be found here. As a side note, be careful when leaving Loot Room 2. Zombies have all too often jumped down from the roof above and knocked me off.
10 Police/Military bags for the taking.
The entrance of Loot Room 2. 10 Police/Military bags are located here.
The main section of Loot Room 2. There are 20 police/military bags in here.
Hopefully this guide helped you out, if you have any feedback or suggestions, hit me up on discord at Wobiee#9830. Happy looting!
Alexandria Armory Room
Coordinates: X: 1855, Y: 74, Z: -2200
The Alexandria armory room has the smallest amount of loot on this list but is by far the safest. Clocking in at around 10 police/military bags it's a good bet for beginners. You can reach this room by warping to Alexandria or by travelling from the closest safezone (berxley safehaven) and following a compass to Alexandria. Adjust your coordinates until you reach the room.

There are some more bags in the back room.
Woodbury Armory Room
Coordinates: X: -970, Y: 75, Z: -1180
The Woodbury armory room has around double the loot of the Alexandria room clocking in at around 20 police/military bags. You can reach this room by warping to Woodbury or travelling from the closest safezone (Travelier Safezone) and following a compass to Woodbury. Adjust your coordinates until you reach the room.

Coordinates: X: 800, Z: -1300
The carnival is by far the most dangerous place to loot on this list. Walkers are present in decent numbers and bandits frequent this area. In exchange for this danger however, police and military bags are plentiful, in numbers upwards of 30 bags. These can be found spread-out over the complex. The carnival is a little trickier to get to compared to the past two rooms. The best bet is to start at hilltop, either by warping there or by travelling from the closest safezone (berxley safehaven) and following a compass. After this, go south from the Hilltop with F3 open and adjust your coordinates until you reach the carnival.

Quite a few bags in this portion of the carnival, a lot more around the rest of the complex. Watch out for sneeki banditos
Secret Atlanta Loot Rooms
Entrance Coordinates: X: 1080, Y: 90, Z: 745
Loot Room 1 Coordinates: X: 1070, Y: 110, Z: 750
Loot Room 2 Coordinates: X: 1050, Y: 100, Z: 760
The Atlanta loot rooms are by far the hardest to get to out of all the places on this list. Some parkour is involved and the use of barricades is very helpful. Not to mention that it is fairly dangerous. There are hordes of walkers and they have been known to inhabit the building that the loot rooms are located in. It is by far the most plentiful spot though. Within the entire building there is upwards of 40 police/military bags compactly packed. The easiest way to get to the entrance is to warp to Atlanta or travel there from the closest safezone (berxley safehaven.) Once you reach Atlanta, open up your F3 and adjust your coordinates until you reach the entrance. From this point, I recommend watching my guide on how to get to the two loot rooms. This can be found here. As a side note, be careful when leaving Loot Room 2. Zombies have all too often jumped down from the roof above and knocked me off.

10 Police/Military bags for the taking.

The entrance of Loot Room 2. 10 Police/Military bags are located here.

The main section of Loot Room 2. There are 20 police/military bags in here.
Hopefully this guide helped you out, if you have any feedback or suggestions, hit me up on discord at Wobiee#9830. Happy looting!