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  • 'Mo stuff


    Creative Team
    Rejante Rejante
    So, I'm seriously bored with no computer. I'm stuck in a rom with my phone, and 3 brothers. So I've been sitting around on forums. So without further ado, mo' stuff ideas.

    Pipe bombs.
    A quick, craft able explosive combinding ammunition with car parts.

    More practical gun ideas.
    Attachments? Suppressor, flashlight ACOG (Scope for AR), bipod for snipers (mandatory for barrett, it's a damn 50 cal, being shoulder fired!)

    Riot Shield Idea
    Pistol or SMG equip-able during use. Vulnerable to hi-cal bullets or explosives, and shotgun shells.

    Car Stuffs
    Fuel access able from GUI, attachable barbed wire, more detail onto Windows and or sides, like bullet holes, or cracks.

    Those are just some of my ideas, the rest of which were covered.


    Creative Team
    Rejante Rejante
    There's loads of attachments that could be added, and way more pieces of dura you could put it on. But then again, this is a dev's nightmare.