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  • New ideas for walkers

    Do you think walkers are dangerous enough?

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    New member
    The armed walkers aren't supposed to be there, but judging by what jesus said in "A New Beggining" walkers have been known to use tools before and maybe that could be a thing. A walker with a knife or a screwdriver at most could be interesting. What I really want is a variant of the server that revolves around the comics or game, but that's a whole new thing.
    The walkers in season 1 could use rocks to break window and had the ability to open doors. But the offical explenation from AMC is that as they got older and more decomposed the walkers became slower and not as logical.
    DrinkYourMilk DrinkYourMilk
    I think in all armor but jugg you can be bitten. im saying jugg because by the armor model it shows it covers your whole body. now everyone is going to freak out and say 'well everyone but me has jugg' or 'i can only afford riot' or 'immortals are now op.' well riot shouldnt be now an armor you would most likely be bitten through but maybe a 5%-2% chance. also the amputation process should take more of a toll on you. cutting off your leg should give you slowness II and cutting your arm should also make reload times longer.
    DrinkYourMilk DrinkYourMilk
    The armed walkers aren't supposed to be there, but judging by what jesus said in "A New Beggining" walkers have been known to use tools before and maybe that could be a thing. A walker with a knife or a screwdriver at most could be interesting. What I really want is a variant of the server that revolves around the comics or game, but that's a whole new thing.

    im pretty sure those 'walkers' are actually the whisperers if you've read the comics you know what i mean.


    Styxx_ Styxx_
    im pretty sure those 'walkers' are actually the whisperers if you've read the comics you know what i mean.
    That was a quote from the comics... It was when they were introducing the Whisperers, Jesus's first encounter with them. I think he meant that normal roamers have actually carried weapons before.
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    That was a quote from the comics... It was when they were introducing the Whisperers, Jesus's first encounter with them. I think he meant that normal roamers have actually carried weapons before.
    He could've just been joking XD


    New member
    Y'know the walkers are fine where they are because they're just like in the show. Alone, walkers are very easy to kill because humans are more intelligent and better armed. In groups, the walkers win because you can't hit every single one. You could compare the walkers to the B-1 battle droids in Star Wars. They are easy to take down in small groups, but a large force of them could use overwhelming numbers to defeat an opponent.


    Styxx_ Styxx_
    The thing is, they're a ****ing piece of cake alone AND in groups. With a spas or an m60 or anything automatic you can mow them down without another thought.


    New member
    I think the only thing that should be edited with walkers is there skin looking at the same walker skin 24/7 is annoying they should add different skin walkers in different areas and even Crawling walkers.


    Styxx_ Styxx_
    I think the only thing that should be edited with walkers is there skin looking at the same walker skin 24/7 is annoying they should add different skin walkers in different areas and even Crawling walkers.
    Crawling walkers would be tricky but having zombies with different skins is already a thing, you just need optifine.


    New member
    If you refer back to my post in the Suggestions Section: The Final Stand Gamemode, maybe some of those 5 zombie types could be added. and if you read the description of them, they are possible and could fit in nicely with the game!


    JaxonTeller JaxonTeller
    I think the only thing that should be edited with walkers is there skin looking at the same walker skin 24/7 is annoying they should add different skin walkers in different areas and even Crawling walkers.
    There is multiple walker skins on the serve (like 5+) if you have optifine