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  • Player "Laws"


    Teeeb Teeeb
    I really just wanted to bring this up and see what other people think about stuff like this. I in no way want to start a heated argument, so if you'd like to start one, please do it somewhere else. This is really just a thread to discuss something, and not a place for a heated argument.


    Alright, so recently in-game and on forums I have been reading a few threads that state "Laws" for certain communities on certain servers.

    My opinion? I really think it's pointless. There's going to be that one group of friends who don't follow the implied player made laws.

    I also read threads where people say that there's certain leaders for certain communities.
    And yes I know about this stuff, so don't say "Ohhh they've had that for a while". I've been here for almost a year aha.


    Really my point is, what is your opinion on this? I don't think it's well put together tbh.
    The only main rules a player has to follow are the Official Server Rules.


    I was online a few days ago on Alexandria, and I guess a group or a community was there. I parkoured in using the truck, and I looted some chests. It was non-pvp, and two of the leaders came up to me, and starting cussing me out about how I wasn't supposed to be in Alexandria, and I had to sign up for the community.


    In all honesty, it's a little dumb, that sometimes during certain points of the day, that if I enter a town or a village, I get yelled at or shot at, because I wasn't part of the community.. lol xD


    Pls excuse my rant.


    Angel_XCX Angel_XCX
    It's ridiculous if you need to follow laws of a community if you're not in it. I think those rules they make should only be used to community members. And I think you can just be in a town where a community settled.


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    Personally, if I log out at hilltop and come back online when a community is there, I help them out for a bit then go somewhere else. If they made a group, just follow the rules out of respect for them... and to not be shot...


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    Only punishment that would do anything would be crushing someone in the gate, and even then you need to get them to the gate ;/


    Teeeb Teeeb
    It's ridiculous if you need to follow laws of a community if you're not in it. I think those rules they make should only be used to community members. And I think you can just be in a town where a community settled.
    Finally someone agrees.
    Personally, if I log out at hilltop and come back online when a community is there, I help them out for a bit then go somewhere else. If they made a group, just follow the rules out of respect for them... and to not be shot...
    It's all in their minds. All in their minds..
    It's a roleplay thing, a bit weird but not hurting anyone.
    It's just annoying when I try and loot Alexandria but then I get cussed out while doing so.
    I totally agree, it's extremely childish and has no place on the server.
    Only punishment that would do anything would be crushing someone in the gate, and even then you need to get them to the gate ;/
    The gate hurts ;(


    curiousgeorge341 curiousgeorge341
    I would hardly call it childish seeing as how much work they put into those... and anyway if people don't obey those laws that's their problem and we don't need to care about.


    Wobiee Wobiee
    Following the rules of a community that you aren't even part of is absolutely STUPID.
    Really they should leave us alone and do their own thing.
    And if we loot "their" chests that's not our problem because they aren't their chests.
    Overall they should leave us alone.


    UterZorker UterZorker
    i used to be incharge of the cdc but it went to hell when i was playing for 3 weeks we had almost no laws and did pretty much anything we wanted i also gave people guns amo etc but there wasnt much to it it was mostly just safehaven and gear


    purrr purrr
    Hey, if it's nonpvp I guess it's allowed... (unfortunately, I'm sobbing this so true)