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  • Teams --->


    PrizmBlitz PrizmBlitz
    Hello everyone, hope you are all having a fantastic day today. I just wanted to let you all know that teams are being fixed. Yesterday we brought out a brand new update for them, and fixed a lot of bugs along with it. Sadly, there was some new bugs that came along with the update causing us to just remove the plugin and fix the bugs. We are working hard to fix them, and it won't be much longer until it's fixed. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this causes, I hope you all understand.

    (Have questions? Post them in the comments below and I will answer as soon as I can.)

    Anyway I hope you all have a great evening, watch your six ;)



    PrizmBlitz PrizmBlitz
    Aww come on i liked that update also what bugs did you fix?
    I am not sure of the specifics about bugs, but with the new teams plugin there is a lot more to offer. Things such as: Instead of just team admins, there will be mods, and owners I believe (this can be done by doing /team promote\demote, you can toggle whether or not you want to be able to kill your teammates by doing /team friendlyfire, and can now /ally, /enemy, and /neutral other teams, and much much more.


    Heroicis Heroicis
    I have a question, if you are allied with a team are you still able to damage them? Thanks.