
How It Works
Throughout each Season players will build up their score by killing players, killing zombies and completing Daily Challenges. The exact values for each of these are listed below.
- Killing a Player: 100 Score
- Each piece of Leather Armor being worn by the killed player will add 25 Score
- Each piece of Military Armor being worn by the killed player will add 50 Score
- Each piece of Riot Gear Armor being worn by the killed player will add 75 Score
- Each piece of Juggernaut Armor being worn by the killed player will add 100 Score
- Each piece of Leather Armor being worn by the killed player will add 25 Score
- Killing a Zombie: 10 Score
- Completing a Daily Challenge: 1,000 Score
At the end of each Season, the top players will all receive prizes. All players who reach certain scores will receive prizes as well.
1st Place: $250 Cash via Paypal & a special in-game tag for the next Season.
2nd Place: $125 Cash via Paypal & a special in-game tag for the next Season.
3rd Place: $75 Cash via Paypal & a special in-game tag for the next Season.
4th - 10th Place: $75 Shop Vouchers & a special in-game tag for the next Season.
11th - 25th Place: $50 Shop Vouchers.
All players who reach at least 125,000 score will earn 5 Legendary Crates at the beginning of the next Season.
All players who reach at least 250,000 score will earn 5 Mythical Crates at the beginning of the next Season.
Along with this update, there has been a gear reset for The Mining Dead servers. Items, money, and bans that are older than 6 months have all been reset.
Other Mining Dead Updates
Along with the addition of seasons, there will be a few other changes made to The Mining Dead.
- Moving While Healing - beginning with this update players will be able to use healing items while moving.
- Legendary Guns - Legendary Guns will now drop on death.
- TMD-1 & TMD-2 will be combined into TMDPVP-1.
- TMD-3 & TMD-4 will be combined into TMDPVE-1.
Finally, if you would like to give your feedback on the update, you may do so here.
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