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    UterZorker UterZorker
    This morning I spawned onto TMD-1 for the first time in a while... and I fell from the sky into water. The pack loaded and I swam in a random direction my cords were in the 4000's then I found an Island it was not made by the builders it was completely randomly generated. Can somebody tell me whats going on? I also have some glitched items so I would like some staff could help me get it to an sz to put in my box. Thanks and happy exploring!


    MichaelSteve MichaelSteve
    Why would you want to keep the glitched items, isn’t that exploitation of the map and punishable?


    gabrielmaennl5 gabrielmaennl5
    I dont think spawning there and wanting to keep those items is taking advantage of a glitch honestly, considering half the players already have glitched items like pressure plates etc, it doesn't hurt anybody by having them.


    49ersfan77 49ersfan77
    This morning I spawned onto TMD-1 for the first time in a while... and I fell from the sky into water. The pack loaded and I swam in a random direction my cords were in the 4000's then I found an Island it was not made by the builders it was completely randomly generated. Can somebody tell me whats going on? I also have some glitched items so I would like some staff could help me get it to an sz to put in my box. Thanks and happy exploring!
    I'm not sure why this would be? To get back to spawn type /suicide (or /spawn if you have the rank to do so) or if your on right now /staff me and I'll tp you to spawn.