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  • TMD Classic is Out


    New member
    CravenPython108 CravenPython108
    Actually, I love Kitpvp, and this is no near to it, plus there are only 3 kits; starter kit, halfway to jugg, and jugg. and that's it if you are comparing it to kitpvp
    There's most likely multiple versions/meanings of what kit pvp actually is, but the general principle of it focuses on spawning with a gear kit, and jumping into a high pvp zone. In some versions you might donate or unlock more kits over time, and in others you simply get money from kills, and use that to buy better gear in spawn. That's what tmdc sounds like to me from this description.


    New member
    Would rate this update 5/10, not really “classic tmd”. Reasons 1. There’s still Juggernaut $ Legendary Weapons “Classic TMD” wouldnt have jugg period. Reason 2. Where are the red bucket cars!!

    Thanks for clickbaiting me to check it out.


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    This is literally nothing like what we wanted, we wanted ALL OF TMD back, not to ruin the already bad combat system and give us this excuse of trash

    ok so once again i will say what i have maintained for now over a year "we" encompasses you and maybe a few immediate friends. do not speak for the server. the update was intentional or not a decisive blow against how pvp works. heres the thing. now aim is required to fight . a new player with a decent gun could likely take down what used to be regarded as the best. well you need new players to stop the decline. how do you get new players? by having them spawn into a world where they get raped the first time they come withing 100 blocks of someone? no.

    the realism is the survival of the mining dead. now classic was just released and if i remember correctly it was in beta when it was taken down. they put it back up. it needs work obviously. so keep your **** together. these things take time to accomplish. they didnt have to open a new server to accommodate the main pvp community's wishes (pain spam pvp) they could have just saved an enormous amount of funds let you quit the new server and allowed the new players to swarm in. now i frankly dont get why they didnt go that route. i mean it would be less costly, less toxicity, less hackers, less complaints.... it made no sense. then it hit me. they are doing whats best for the entire community of the server. the new players, the roleplayers. the pain spam pvpers, the survivalists who want the extra fear of pvp- or dont. this update has taken everyone into account and tried to make everyone happy.

    then there are people like me. people that love the map, are not to picky about pvp, and are just here to have fun.



    UterZorker UterZorker
    It's freaking retarded that jugg can't be damaged by starter kits, they keep patrolling the map and no one can kill them, they keep killing and you can't kill someone because they already taking all the kills and can't be killed and they go on groups so you are surely dead; you can't get money to upgrade to jugg.

    Also, when will The gamemode (no way out) release?
    Personally I like to shoot jugg wars with a barret when you got a group of 5 or 6 when one gets low its shooting fish in a barrel. Ive gotten a few kills that way.