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  • TMD PVP Update


    Jacobg1998 Jacobg1998

    This update will be released on all TMD servers over the next few hours!

    Hello everyone! I am very excited to announce our latest Mining Dead PVP update. First things first, base on the results of the previous poll we have decided to keep the painkillers as left-click to use. This option had more votes and overall we feel that the benefits of left-click painkillers outweigh the negatives. In addition to this, the latest TMD update introduces several adjustments which should bring combat back to it's glory days in 1.7. The specific changes made will be listed below.
    • Juggernaut, Riot, and Military armor protection values have all been decreased. As a starting point, a Barrett .50 Cal hit and a Spas 12 hit will both do four hearts of damage to a player in full Juggernaut armor, which is just slightly less than they did in 1.7.
    • All shotguns have been adjusted to be more consistent. Their damages have all increased and their range has decreased. Shotgun pellets will no longer damage players that are more than 15 blocks away, although you may still see the pellets affecting blocks past this range.
    • SMG fire-rates have been increased.
    • Med Packs have been changed from mushroom soup to a different item, which should prevent players from using autosoup with Med Packs. The old Med Packs will no longer work, and the new ones can be bought in shop, found in bags, etc.
    Similarly to the changes made with painkillers, we will have a poll in one week getting community feedback on the changes made in this PVP update. I expect that based on the community feedback several adjustments will be made to the guns.
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    Yoiji Yoiji
    PROBLEMS! The armor level is wayyyyy toooooo LOW! Full jugg can get 1 shot by a G BAR! Holy crap either nerf the g bar or remove the nerf on the armor level on jugg and bring it back to normal. The KSG is suppose to be stronger than the spas but it only does 2.5 even when I was point blank on the player I shot at. Please buff the KSG if it is suppose to be stronger than the spas. So either nerf the g bar or bring the jugg back to its original armor level before you updated it.
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    Murderable Murderable
    Why do you guys ruin everything after you guys do something good? Can't you guys just leave the server be?
    Everything before THIS update was almost perfect. I loved it. Yet, it's ruined once more. Thanks.


    BenGermann BenGermann
    PROBLEMS! The armor level is wayyyyy toooooo LOW! Full jugg can get 1 shot by a G BAR! Holy crap either nerf the g bar or remove the nerf on the armor level on jugg and bring it back to normal. The KSG is suppose to be stronger than the spas but it only does 2.5 even when I was point blank on the player I shot at. Please buff the KSG if it is suppose to be stronger than the spas. So either nerf the g bar or bring the jugg back to its original armor level before you updated it.
    G-Barret is being nerfed, KSG is being buffed.


    Murderable Murderable
    If perfect is not being able to die in jugg, then I'll take a compromise.

    I die in jugg all the time though. You staffs don't know anything about TMD PVP LOL!
    War with us and see how quick you die. Revert the server and see.

    Should have asked for OUR opinions first before updating; the people who actually play and war everyday.


    Yoiji Yoiji
    G-Barret is being nerfed, KSG is being buffed.
    The jugg being nerfed is fine as long as the g bar gets nerfed so thank you. And you want to make jugg, "balanced" so why are you nerfing the riot and military? If guns can one shot full jugg now then riot and military is still useless so buff them a bit.


    Yoiji Yoiji
    Kimhango make suggestions instead of complaining. Ben if you are buffing the KSG a spas does 4 hearts to a full jugg so KSG if it gets buffed to be stronger than spas then that is a huge rip. Can you make the spas 3 hearts and the KSG 4 and a half?


    BenGermann BenGermann
    I die in jugg all the time though. You staffs don't know anything about TMD PVP LOL!
    War with us and see how quick you die. Revert the server and see.

    Should have asked for OUR opinions first before updating; the people who actually play and war everyday.
    I used to play, a lot actually. Back when the server had 700 daily. That was also when we had this type of damage system in place.

    We tested it, if you keep clicking at at least 10 CPS with painkiller you will not die from the spas (maybe after 20 hits, but that’s ridiculous), let alone other shotguns.


    Yoiji Yoiji
    Ben, if you guys are buffing the KSG then nerf the spas. If the spas does 4 hearts of damage to a full jugg and then you buff the KSG. That will be alot of damage. Can you make the spas 3 hearts and the KSG like 4 and a half?


    Yoiji Yoiji
    Because the spas does 4 hearts to a jugg when his helmet is on and when it is off it can bring that full jugg to 3 hearts. So if you buff the KSG to do more than the spas it will one shot full juggs that have their helmet off. So make the spas 3 and the KSG 4 and a half.


    triheda triheda
    I'm most interested in the picture. The highway, I don't recognize that in Atlanta. Is this a new highway into Savannah? (I'm guessing Savannah because it is a new big-city area, well, close enough to 1, and since this highway isn't seen near Atlanta...)


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    I die in jugg all the time though. You staffs don't know anything about TMD PVP LOL!
    War with us and see how quick you die. Revert the server and see.

    Should have asked for OUR opinions first before updating; the people who actually play and war everyday.

    ok so we did ask in case you didn't read the update notes. you know, in the polls. see you have to understand that polls are a voting system. in other words, the outcome is not always to you're liking. and also regarding the whole "this update means we cant pvp" narrative you're going for....well the update is affecting everyone's armor. so if you are that good then this should not concern you at all, as it will not change the amount of skill you possess


    Murderable Murderable
    ok so we did ask in case you didn't read the update notes. you know, in the polls. see you have to understand that polls are a voting system. in other words, the outcome is not always to you're liking. and also regarding the whole "this update means we cant pvp" narrative you're going for....well the update is affecting everyone's armor. so if you are that good then this should not concern you at all, as it will not change the amount of skill you possess

    I'm just saying how staff thinks they are all good and crap; they act like they know what they are doing.
    They don't even play this server (jugg wars and etc).
    That is all I'm annoyed of.


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    and further more. i have seen dozens of posts saying "jugg needs to be nerfed" "jugg is too op" "u cannot die in jugg". well it finally happens and this is the response? everyone who plays with others has to realize that updates are not meant to cater to a specific person or group. they are implemented to try to better the server as a whole. so if you have a problem with the update, post a way that you would fix it. that is like 90% of the reason a forums exists. so that staff can hear you're feedback and concerns as well as suggestions. now if you have a suggestion that you think would better the gameplay for the ENTIRE server and you believe we can implement it, by all means, post it. if you come to the forums to just spread hate on the staff team, please close this tab. i for one happen to enjoy working on the server. i do so on my own free time between college work and my job. so all i ask is that you take that into consideration before you post something-we are players too.


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    I'm just saying how staff thinks they are all good and crap; they act like they know what they are doing.
    They don't even play this server (jugg wars and etc).
    That is all I'm annoyed of.
    mate.....think about what you just posted....of course we play the server. thats literally the only way we can staff the server. some of us take pride in our pvp skill. some of us suck at it (like me) staff are not chosen by their pvp skill so im not sure why thats relevant to you....


    Murderable Murderable
    and further more. i have seen dozens of posts saying "jugg needs to be nerfed" "jugg is too op" "u cannot die in jugg". well it finally happens and this is the response? everyone who plays with others has to realize that updates are not meant to cater to a specific person or group. they are implemented to try to better the server as a whole. so if you have a problem with the update, post a way that you would fix it. that is like 90% of the reason a forums exists. so that staff can hear you're feedback and concerns as well as suggestions. now if you have a suggestion that you think would better the gameplay for the ENTIRE server and you believe we can implement it, by all means, post it. if you come to the forums to just spread hate on the staff team, please close this tab. i for one happen to enjoy working on the server. i do so on my own free time between college work and my job. so all i ask is that you take that into consideration before you post something-we are players too.
    People that can't pvp said those. lmao