Hijacking xHobbes comment to add a bit more info to the points he gave as to why MW failed.
The content that we had in MW was very bland and short, there weren't that many missions, and even then we had a few that were bugged and couldn't have been completed, like the final mission which required us to go to Mustafar if I'm not mistaken, but we couldn't go there since we only had one planet, which was Tatooine.
Speaking of Tatooine, it was a bit of a basic map, it was wide open flat map which made it harder for newer players to travel from one town to another to complete their missions, since higher leveled players all had speeders and were able to ride up on unsuspecting players and get an easy kill, there was no cover to hide behind to give you a chance to fight back.
The only update we ever received was a tiny one, more of a fix than a content update, and it was a nerf to the RPG
Spawn camping was a big issue as well, higher leveled players would camp outside the opposite teams HQ with snipers and would 1 tap any new player that wanted to go out and complete their quest, this didn't help that there was only one exit/entry to the HQ
This made a lot of newer players not want to stick around since well, they couldn't progress through the game, you can't do anything when you're lowered leveled with worse skills (Damage, Defense) being 1 shot by all snipers, and blocking/deflecting only working about 50% of the time (especially near the end of MW lifetime)
MW was also very, and I mean
very grindy. I think out of all the MW players I've grinded the most, and looking back now, what a waste of time that was.
On average I spend around 8+ hours just grinding non stop at the Jedi grinder, killing lvl 3 stormtroopers, boy was I dedicated back then.
Anywho,the highest leveled enemy NPCs were level 25, and the most XP you could earn from killing NPCs was 10xp, you'd get more for killing players but they'd have to be around the same level as you to get the most amount of XP
There was also another mode called Conquest which was very good for grinding XP, but something happened to it and they had to shut it down, this incident caused some players to leave as well because they only stayed for conquest, as it was a very fun mode to play.
Honestly I could sit here for the whole day writing how slow and awful the grinding process was but unlike before when I played MW, I'd rather put my time into something less time wasting.
If you want to have an idea of what grinding was like via a guide, then you can check out this grinding guide I made when I got back into MW a while back:
Not much to add to the lack of promotion part, only real promotion they had as far as I remember was on the forums, and it's still there on the home page underneath TMD and HN.
But for real though, if the owners are planning on bringing back MW, please don't abandon it like you did before, please don't half *** it like you did before, if you need people to test it out before you fully release it to report any bugs, then give us a closed beta or an open beta like you have before releasing MW. I personally would be more than happy to test everything out and write a fully detailed reports about any bugs or issues, or just feedback as a whole, and I'm sure there are some people in this community that wouldn't mind doing that either.
Some of us MW players are still here and we still care about MW, let us help you when it comes to testing, we have lots of time now especially with COVID-19 locking us in our homes (although probably you guys only just started, unless you still have all the other planets that the old MW builders made)