
Summer Sale
Our Summer Sale is live! We currently have up to 65% off a variety of items in the shop. This sale will end at the end of August, so get in before time runs out! If you’re interested, click here.
Hell Night
We are currently working on releasing the update for Hell Night and it is our number one priority. This update will include the recently released The Mining Dead map. We are happy to announce that it is now in the testing phase and should be ready for release very soon, so be sure to keep an eye out for that! The Mining Dead bug fixes will shortly follow Hell Night’s release.
Map Maker Contest Winners
The Mine Wars Outpost Map Maker Contest has concluded. Congratulations to the winners! A new Map Makers contest will be released some time this week!
1st Place: OutpostMW by Atosmic & TheGnomeNinja - Reward: $100 Shop Voucher
2nd Place: DankerMemesPls by FockeWulfFw190 - Reward: $75 Shop Voucher
3rd Place: RSBIMustafar by Rejante - Reward: $50 Shop Voucher
4th Place: MWContest01 by Slimme - Reward: $25 Shop Voucher
5th Place: testing__FFF by Gary_DeAfrique - Reward: $15 Shop Voucher
6th Place: space_station by ATGS - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
7th Place: MineWarsConquest by Kanyay - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
8th Place: StarWarsShips2 by NeganRhee - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
Winners can check their private messages on the website for their prizes, and be sure to check in next week for the new Map Maker Contest!
July Voting Rewards
With the end of July comes the end of out voting contest and the beginning of the August voting contest! The winners of the July voting contest are listed below. If you are a winner, you should have received a message on the forums with a voucher code allowing you to purchase anything you desire from our shop.
1st Place: Rockyaroky - Reward: $100 Shop Voucher
2nd Place: Unami - Reward: $75 Shop Voucher
3rd Place: XDarkSpartacusX - Reward: $50 Shop Voucher
4th Place: minester51 - Reward: $25 Shop Voucher
5th Place: Dark_wolfNinja - Reward: $15 Shop Voucher
6th Place: _FlameStar_ - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
7th Place: CloudZonee - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
8th Place: Diino_ - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
9th Place: MaksDoesMC - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
10th Place: HAPPYHOUR - Reward: $10 Shop Voucher
These shop vouchers can be used just like real currency in our shop. Simply enter the voucher code into the box labeled “Voucher” to use. If you have not yet received your voucher code, be sure to message Jacobg2011 here. For your chance to be next months recipient of these vouchers, get voting now! You may check to see who’s in the lead on the leaderboards at https://havocmc.net/vote! Thanks to everyone who voted over the month of July helping our server grow.
That’s all for this week. Be sure to check in next week for some more exciting updates! Have a great week and enjoy your stay on HavocMC!
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